One More Task Out of the Way!
One More Task Out of the Way!
The landing is complete and very sturdy!
This afternoon loaded up on Scotch (got dragged to a bridal show) I figured there was no better time than now to use power tools. I framed out the rest of the support for the top sheets.
Put down the first 1/2" sheet of ply and screwed it into place. I just used rough measurements here.
I wanted the top layer of 1/2" ply to be a better fit so I cut this one larger and shaved it down until it fit in place. Took two tries.
Once it had a snug fit I marked the side for the right and longer notch, cut the notch out, then repeated the task with the left side. I had to use a scrap 2x4 and hammer to beat it into place. Fired in a few screws and it's solid as a rock!
No more gap to mind! Exciting stuff!
I went over the parts cost and what it would cost in shipping to do my light fixture, it's a bit more than I was expecting and I feel like I need to do another revision on my design. Due to other big purchases unless I want to push back stocking and transfer dates I think I am going to need to alter my course of action.
I'm going to fill about half way with salt water, add the sand, some ammonia, and a bottle of Bio Spira this week.
Since I am re-using sand from my last house it is going to need some time to reduce nutrients. I'll fill the rest of the way the following week, add a dozen or so rocks from my current display, and get my phosphate reactor running. Hoping it doesn't take too long to get my water quality in check!