Build Thread: TKERacer619's 600gal SPS Tank

I'm sorry, I don't understand... Could you possibly be the most patient spambot in the history of RC?? This is your first post since joining in sept of 2013 :lol:

I thought maybe that was some sort of engineering conversation I couldn't translate.

"œWell, what happened is I overtorqued the spanner socket on the input coupling to the flux capacitor Venturi feedback loop and before you know it, Bob's your uncle and I need a new pair of britches"

I was going to ask exactly what engineering field you were in if the gentleman's request made sense.
hola no se porque understand yo no hablo porque soy español y para que no entiendan no hablo pero estoy en el foro hoy e echo una pregunta y me echan para que voy a hacer preguntas si va a pasar eso

Cuál es la pregunta? Yo puedo tratar de transladar:-)

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Ohhh. Sorry, I think your account may have been banned. Sorry about that. Since this is primarily an english forum it is best to warn us if english isn't your first language :).

This is your translated PM (the best I can do at least)...
Hello the question you have not understood I asked because I have the same dosing machine and I have broken a chip inside. I asked you for a photo of the dosing machine inside to know which chip is the one that is attached? to the plug.

thank you

Let me look through my photos and see if I can find good pictures of them. To be honest though, you are probably better off just buying a new one though. I don't think you will be able to find a replacement circuit board.
hola si puedo reparar me hace falta saber los numeros que salen en el chip para comprar otro es el que esta justo al lado de la entrada de corriente gracias
Following along. Also in Colorado. I'm in Greeley just north of you. Great to know we have this caliber tank here. The local forum seems to be all newbies and very slow!

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I grew up in Greeley it live in MN now. Frequently in CO to visit family. Love the tank build!

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Ohhh. Sorry, I think your account may have been banned. Sorry about that. Since this is primarily an english forum it is best to warn us if english isn't your first language :).

This is your translated PM (the best I can do at least)...

Let me look through my photos and see if I can find good pictures of them. To be honest though, you are probably better off just buying a new one though. I don't think you will be able to find a replacement circuit board.

I think Alvez is asking for the model number for your controller :-)

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A little sidetracked but making progress.

A little sidetracked but making progress.

All tanks in the house are fallow and the fish are in the two quarantine tanks. Currently running Prazi and will dose copper tomorrow. I got a few new fish today. A couple clown pairs and a wrasse from Among the Reef.

Now something I never thought I would be doing when I started the livestock transfer was to zap the rock and start over. Since I lost my fish I decided to remove all of the coral and inverts from the display and dose it with Chloroquine Phosphate. This will wreck the micro fauna but the goal is to kill vermatid snails, flat worms, aptasia, and bubble algae.

I'll be dosing the tank at a rate of 40mg/gal twice 10 days apart. CP degrades quickly in a tank with rock and whatnot and I want to keep concentration up. The goal is to nuke the pests but leave the bacteria intact. Hopefully by the time my fallow period is over the CP will have been removed and the tank ready again for fish and corals.

I fragged all of my coral and moved it into a QT. I went over each piece and scraped any vermatid snails off and dipped them in bayer. It took a while but I'm ready to dose the system tomorrow. I had plans to do it tonight but the new wrasse decided it wanted to explore the sump area of the QT. Let's just say it's not a very common wrasse so all effort was towards getting it out of filtration. I'm tired and covered in water. I installed a finer weir and blocked the space between the euro brace and the teeth so he can't jump again.

I'm tired and wet. Time to take a shower and hit the sack. I have a 3 hour presentation to give in a few hours :lol:
This is the chip.

14 days into dosing the entire system with Chloroquine Phosphate.. All seems good for now. No flat worms, aptasia, or vermatid snails anymore. Sponge has died off as well as the bristle worms but I have saved some yellow sponge and will add it back once this is all over with.

Bubble algae is hanging in there though... amazing stuff.
I'm currently dosing my big display with CP, and it took a week or so for a noticeable amount of algae to die off.
5 hours later... I have made it to the end of the thread. At last!!!! wow man. This was awesome to read. The craftsmanship and planning was bar none amazing. Can’t wait to see the rest of the build to unfold! Cheers it’s beer time