Builders are in and need to cover my tank


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We have builders in and I need to stop as much dust get into my tank. I have some thin plastic sheets will this be ok, will it affect anything? Thanks
Should be fine temporarily. I've used heavy blankets to to black out my tank for 3 days worked out to kill out some algae I had and no ill affects
It should be fine. I'd leave the lights off, to keep the plastic sheets from trapping the heat in the tank though...

Depending on how big your tank is, you may have some difficulty supporting plastic sheeting. If it's just dust that's the concern, a piece of fluorescent lighting egg crate would hold it up. If there's a danger of debris from the construction dropping into the tank, I'd go with a cut piece of oriented strand board (which the builders may have on hand as a scrap).
I had 3 weeks of heavy demo/remodel, including in my living room with the tank. I had the same concerns as you. I covered the whole tank with sheets. Worked perfectly.

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