BUILDING A DREAM....SPS Dominated Tank build

Equipments from SI-AM OCEAN

Excellent workmanship and build quality...

2 x Media Reactors

Ozone Reactor

Kalkwasser Reactor

(The Media reactors and Ozone Reactor are in use with my already running 600 litres reef tank)

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Water Filled....:celeb3:

Salt Used...
I am preferring Seachem "Marine Salt" over Seachem "Reef Salt" because in my experience i have found pH and Alkanity remains more stable in the reef with "Marine Salt" without use of any additives.


FTS with Water...
Added HYDOR Koralia Evolution 4000 (New Version) wavemakers on the right and left corners of the tank pointing down into the reef...both wavemakers are connected to individual timers to provide random flow.

Water is still clearing up....;)

HYDOR Koralia Evolution and RR Wavemakers

HYDOR Koralia Evolution and RR Wavemakers

Right side...


Left side...


The RR wavemakes on the right and left side at the middle, providing flow in pulse mode set with the wave controller included with the RR system....though very tiny these pumps are giving a powerful pulsing flow...:thumbsup:
The RR wavemaker has a light sensor that makes the pumps go into a kind of sleep mode(reduced power) automatically when lights are off at night.
Seed Rock...

Premium Fiji Live rock to seed the tank...

Had to change the aquascape a little bit to accomodate it and to blend with the existing scape....:D

Wow looks like you thought of everything. Great job!

thanks tntdsol....i honestly still dont think i have thought of everything...the thought process is never ending ongoing process :rollface:

I am planning with my eyes open and even when eyes closed :lmao:
Nice job, Congrats on getting it going. Can wait to watch it progress.

Brett, thanks for visiting....starting the cycling process....wish me to have "patience" :D

Visited your build thread....great to see the planning and thought you have put into the design....good luck on your reefing venture...and keep updating...:D
Thoughtful design - I agree with Leonardo - much potential with this!
Are you concerned that the nano wave makers are going to be putting too much flow directly onto your corals? Perhaps if you were to angle them slightly outward (30 degrees?) toward the glass you can get less direct flow. But I am unfamiliar with these particular pumps...
Thoughtful design - I agree with Leonardo - much potential with this!
Are you concerned that the nano wave makers are going to be putting too much flow directly onto your corals? Perhaps if you were to angle them slightly outward (30 degrees?) toward the glass you can get less direct flow. But I am unfamiliar with these particular pumps...

Hi prop-frags...thanks a lot for the input...
These are Resun nano propeller pump which are providing a very mild circular flow, not too powerful.
I added them to provide some circulation at the base so there are no dead spots and to prevent detritus build up.

I am planning to connect them to a pulser device by SANDER, so there wont be a continous direct flow on the corals
i will place SPS frags such that they wont come in direct line with the flow.

This should be okay, right? :D

I have one more Hydor Koralia 4000 you have any suggestions as to where i can install them? Or you think it will be overkill?

I have aligned all wave pumps such a way that the flow doesnt disturb the sand bed but there is a mild current from right to left just above the sand bed surface. It was very hands on, literally and really tiresome:headwallblue: to do this kind of alignment...hoping it will pay dividents :D

SANDER Pulser Device

Auto top up "“ Kalk Dosing Set up"¦

Planning to start up the Kalkwasser Reactor to dose Kalk water to replace evaporated water.

Equipments to be used in the automated dosing set up:
1) Kalkwasser Reactor (SI-AM Ocean)
2) Auto top up system with two float valves (GInkosea)
3) Niveaumat Dosing pump with single float valve (Aquamedic)
4) pH Controller
5) Plastic balloon float valve with an independent direct RO/DI water line

The auto top system has two float valves, one of the float valve is placed slightly higher on the float valve holder as a fail safe mechanism.
The Dosing pump is connected to auto top up system and the float valve of the dosing pump is attached marginally higher to the 2nd float valve of the auto top box. The input of the dosing pump to the RO/DI water reservoir and the output of the dosing pump to the Kalkwasser Reactor (follow the green arrow)
The auto top up system is in turn connected to the pH controller, which is set to switch off power if the pH reaches 8.5

Please refer to diagram"¦


How this works?

The idea of having 3 float valves (2 of the Auto top up system and 1 of the Dosing pump) is to have a fail safe mechanism in case any of the float valve fails.
The pH controller is set to switch off the auto top up system if the pH reaches 8.5, this is to prevent over dosing of Kalk water and prevent a pH spike.
A plastic balloon float valve with an independent direct RO/DI line is attached to the sump and the float will be at the same level as the 1st float valve of the auto top up system - this will take over topping up with RO/DI water direct to sump and maintain water level in case the pH had reached 8.5and the controller cuts the power supply to the auto top up box.

What do ya guys think about this idea?

Suggestions welcome"¦
Nice looking setup :wave: I personally would suggest staying away from carbon bacteria driven systems. I dont know others manage to keep enough nutrients in the tank. I had some major problems carbon dosing, stripped the water clean and had some sps die and all others browned out. Keep up the good work.
Nice looking setup :wave: I personally would suggest staying away from carbon bacteria driven systems. I dont know others manage to keep enough nutrients in the tank. I had some major problems carbon dosing, stripped the water clean and had some sps die and all others browned out. Keep up the good work.

thanks a lot allsps40 for your input and really appreciate your comment....this is the first time i am attempting to dose Prodibio in a system and i am researching about this in depth :reading: so i can get a proper ratio to suit my tank.

Yes, there is a possibilty of it stripping water clean, but a weekly water change of 20% becomes absolutely mandatory in such a case which will help in replenishing the elements and also feeding the inhabitants(corals and fish) will add some nutrients into the water...i hope this will help in sustaining the corals and inhabitants...

I will update my progress and experience with this dosing as my thread progresses...
Cleaning Crew...

These four snails were added today...
The first inhabitants of the tank :celeb1:

I dont know the name of these...but they are from my other running reef tank....i added four of them when i had started the tank and they have bred like crazy and so many are there roaming in it now :strange:

I like them coz they are tiny, unobtrusive and busy full time on the rocks and the glass cleaning algae...the tiny rambos :uzi: and yeah also busy "breeding" :love1:
