Auto top up "“ Kalk Dosing Set up"¦
Planning to start up the Kalkwasser Reactor to dose Kalk water to replace evaporated water.
Equipments to be used in the automated dosing set up:
1) Kalkwasser Reactor (SI-AM Ocean)
2) Auto top up system with two float valves (GInkosea)
3) Niveaumat Dosing pump with single float valve (Aquamedic)
4) pH Controller
5) Plastic balloon float valve with an independent direct RO/DI water line
The auto top system has two float valves, one of the float valve is placed slightly higher on the float valve holder as a fail safe mechanism.
The Dosing pump is connected to auto top up system and the float valve of the dosing pump is attached marginally higher to the 2nd float valve of the auto top box. The input of the dosing pump to the RO/DI water reservoir and the output of the dosing pump to the Kalkwasser Reactor (follow the green arrow)
The auto top up system is in turn connected to the pH controller, which is set to switch off power if the pH reaches 8.5
Please refer to diagram"¦
How this works?
The idea of having 3 float valves (2 of the Auto top up system and 1 of the Dosing pump) is to have a fail safe mechanism in case any of the float valve fails.
The pH controller is set to switch off the auto top up system if the pH reaches 8.5, this is to prevent over dosing of Kalk water and prevent a pH spike.
A plastic balloon float valve with an independent direct RO/DI line is attached to the sump and the float will be at the same level as the 1st float valve of the auto top up system - this will take over topping up with RO/DI water direct to sump and maintain water level in case the pH had reached 8.5and the controller cuts the power supply to the auto top up box.
What do ya guys think about this idea?
Suggestions welcome"¦