New member
Thanks for sharing the video.
I'm going to give some thought to the sump area I have to work with and see if I can do something similar.
Let me know if you need any help
Thanks for sharing the video.
I'm going to give some thought to the sump area I have to work with and see if I can do something similar.
Mechanical filtration .....I do not run any filter socks.....just take the filter pad throw it away put a new one in much more efficient and cost effective
How much more cost effective. My new sump is set up for socks, I just ordered 5 100 micron socks for $24 shipped. A sheet of floss at any lfs is like $7.50/8.50 over time considering I will only use one sock at a time would it be worth the cost of changing the sump.
I ditched the socks a few years ago. Such a pain to frequently change them and the washing. An easy way to do the conversion for smaller tanks is to get a container like this..
Cut and replace the bottom with an eggcrate to hold the filter floss. Just have the drain dump the water in there and that's it.. I changed the floss every couple of days by throwing it away and cutting a new piece. I buy these big sheets at the lfs for like $2.
socks = cost
1. purchase price
2. electricity to wash
3. water to wash
4. bleach to wash
5. time for the whole changing and cleaning process is way more than 30sec to replace the floss and throw the old away
filter floss = cost
1. purchase price
2. 30 sec or so to change out
Once you get your Phosphate below .1 or so, Lanthanum becomes much less effective/more dangerous to your inhabitants. When there isn't enough PO4 to bond with, the Lanthanum doesn't get caught in your socks/pads, it continues to spread throughout your system.
This is not my information, I'm just repeating what I learned here