New member
Appreciate The kind words, Peter's tank was pretty much the inspiration for much of my stock list. Once I saw a tank full of butterflies I knew that's what I had to do.
I'm really sorry about your back troubles, I've had a few muscular issues recently and it was no fun. Can't imagine having the structural issues you did with the surgery.
Like I said, I've got a few more fish to add, but I'm quickly realizing I'd like a bigger tank. I can't out the size I want in my current home though, so it's going to be a few years before that happens. I'd like another 2 ft in length and another 1 ft front to back.
With boats we warn people buying too small of a boat to watch for what we call Two Footitis

Pain is subsiding quite a bit but has it's moments to remind me it's still there. But just having the surgery last thursday I'm doing well. Been lots of rain here so not much walking outside yet. So I've been walking around the house quite a bit and it lets me know when I've done too much.