buying online in USA


New member
Hi guys,
I am really struggling to find a decent place to buy some GHL Profilux items ONLINE in the USA. I need them shipped overnight and I am looking at the following items:

1. Vortech wireless controller
2. x4 Dosing pump
3. Flow sensor (Slow flow)
4. PH probe
5. PH probe extention module

I would REALLY appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction.
thank you I understand and I would require someone with stock as I would need the items as soon as possible.

The other question: A PH proble expansion module the pictures show three modules, does one module do all three things i.e. conductivity, PH etc or do you have to buy a pack of three different modules instead of just one PH expantion module?

No this is a generic photo, the pH expansion module is a dual mode card, it is designed for either pH or redox, when you install it, in the software you select which operation mode you require.

pH expansion modules now come with free generic pH probes making it even more affordable, so you are buying a kit, this is new so please inform you retailer this is what you require.
Oh great it is the same pricing (all the sites you provided) are around the $199 USD mark?

I need the PH probe for my calcium reactor and a gerneric module should do just fine right?

no its $119

the one for $199 is a dual card that you can use redox and ph at the same time.

generic is probably better for a calcium reactor as the probes last half as long due to the harsh enviroment.

But I would look at doing 3 part balling instead of a calcium reactor, here are the reasons

1. You have full control over each element ALK Ca and Mg
2. a calcium reactor you have no control over anything really it puts in the tank elements only dependant on the availability within the rock.
3. less equipment
4. less maintenance
5. stable tank parameters
6. no need for 2nd ph probe

we sell start up kits that include
GHL 3 pump doser
fluid chamber 2.5L or 5L
mineral salt pack made for the exact chmaber water volume so no measuring
tube grip holder

Its really worth the switch for sure.
I should have done my research before then, just bought the reef octopus SC-5000 the big all in one reactor.

I have been mailing the shops asking them about this option. lets hope they know what i am talking about.
in this case you already have 80% of the cost to switch we can supply everything minus the doser.

need to shoot out now for the day, I will follow up later
in a large medium stocked tank 350 gallon size...

how long would you expect the 5L size to last about...

i know its subjective but evaluating trying it vs the current calcium reactor that is online...
totally impossible to predict it is down to the mineral requirements of each indivdual coral.

My 60 gal full sps reef that has huge caps, I mean massive! I get through 2.5L of ALk every month and the ca lasts about 6 months and the Mg easily 8 months.

I am dosing 80ml of alk a day but this is high due to the colony size.
Hi, I bought my profilux controller and some accessories from progressive reef. They've since gone out of business. May I please have a phone number to call for help getting the system set up and working? Thanks!

support is done by the support forum where you will find a library of video how to guides

And if you get real stuck you can email us at but please first sign up to the support forum and have a look at the how to guides.

Due to the mass of questions we receive it is impossible to offer phone support.