Bye Molly


Go Spurs Go!!!
Premium Member
Some of you know I like to keep Black Mollies in my tank to offer a little variety and they breed like crazy so it is an alternative food source. I moved my carpet anemone over to the 125 and discovered he has a taste for Mollies. This isn't what I had in mind when I said alternative food source.

Ahh, poor little molly. My first fish ever was a black lyretail molly.

I'm afraid to have an anemone for fear it'll eat a fish it's not supposed to.
thats cool Jack just don't pet your anemone it might bite.

you used a flash with that picture what does it look like without?
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It is a beautiful Stichodactyla tapetum (large morph variety) and he is hungry too. lol I really didn't expect the molly snack as it is idfficult to get it to eat. I have learned that if I put a silverside on it and wiggle it like it is still alive it triggers the feeding response.
