c-clip issue


New member
I just received 4-6105's and the clip that is attached to the magnet won't stay attached to one of the pumps. It kinda clips in but it won't stay connected. Does that make sense??? What can be done? Thanks
no, the actual clip that snaps into the magnet won't stay snapped into the magnet so the head(actual pump)hangs down because of it. I guess I'll take a pic. I only opened one of the 4 new pumps and the first one has issues:(
I have seen this before, but it isn't common, this would be the third such report. Just PM me your info and I will send a new clamp, the others were due to the clamp having a minor mismolding.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15002822#post15002822 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
I have seen this before, but it isn't common, this would be the third such report. Just PM me your info and I will send a new clamp, the others were due to the clamp having a minor mismolding.

will do. thanks

I have exactly the same issue. Clip on 6101 will not engage in magnet holder slot. Mine hangs down also. Makes it difficult to keep sandbed intact.

Can you send me a replacement also?

PM sent

6101 and 6105 are completely different pumps with completely different holder systems, please check which one you have.