C. tominiensis


New member
Excellent article on Bristletooth Tangs. I have been keeping a C. tominiensis in my 58 gallon reef for about two months. The fish is grazing and eating well and seems a bit plumper then when I bought it. It has also recovered seemingly overnight from torn fins on two occasions.

However, the fish still has not settled down. It darts around unprovoked. It fights with its reflection in the mirror pretty frequently. It does not spar with the two other fish I have (thankfully).

Does this behavior indicate that it may have been collected with cyanide? Is there anything I can do to make my Tomini more comfortable? (The tank has plenty of live rock, and the fish has at least one good size cave for hiding, etc.)

Excellent article on Bristletooth Tangs.


It fights with its reflection in the mirror pretty frequently.

why is there a mirror near the aquarium? fighting with its own reflection is definately normal behavior.

Does this behavior indicate that it may have been collected with cyanide?

no. IMHO it indicates a stressed fish. the reason of the stress would need to be determined to eleminate this behavior. i suspect a larer aquarium would go a long way to reducing the stress.

Is there anything I can do to make my Tomini more comfortable?

yep - a new tank about 10' x 3' x 3' :lol: seriously, short of removing the mirror and getting a larger aquarium, probably not.

any chance you can post a picture of this fish? i had a hard time tracking down a picture of one for the column. if you could get me a decent photo, with your permission, i'd love to add it to the column.



oh ya...

Thanks a lot for the info! I wish I did have a picture to share--it's quite an extraordinary fish.

I turns out that I'm going back to school in the fall, so I won't be able to up my tank size any time soon. (Maybe another degree will help me afford that dream tank). Anyway, do you know anyone in Atlanta, GA who might appreciate a jewel like this? The fish is plump and healthy despite its erratic behavior. I hate to take it to the lfs where it will end up in a 10 gallon, you know?

My apologies to the Tang Police!!! I thought a 58 would suffice.
I turns out that I'm going back to school in the fall,

hey, me too!

(Maybe another degree will help me afford that dream tank).

that is my plan, too ;)

Anyway, do you know anyone in Atlanta, GA who might appreciate a jewel like this?

ask the RC member SPC. i know he has a 180g in atlanta somewhere...

I hate to take it to the lfs where it will end up in a 10 gallon, you know?

absolutely. i refuse to return fish to the LFS for this exact reason. it is much better off in your 58g rather than taking it back to the LFS.
