Cabo's BC29 to Reefer 170 Migration and Tank Build

Oh, and another thing, I just realized that the backup battery I have for the Gyre will work on the RW-4's. BONUS

Of course I already have everything plugged into a UPS that should run them for 4-5 hours, so maybe not such a big deal.....
Well I'm still seeing some issues with some of my acans. 3 mini colonies to date are toast and 2 more on "on the ropes". Most of them look much happier and are accepting my target feeding well but there's a few I have concerns about.

Since I can't do the second interceptor treatment on the tank until Saturday due to work, I decided to dip them in revive last night (already dipped them in bayer and they looked better, but maybe something unpleasant survived.) The nice thing about revive is I can see through the water and could see what "fell" off the coral.

Here's some crappy cell phone pics of what was in the treatment water:



Most of it's probably nothing, but the worm looking thing might be an issue.

I'm about 10 seconds away from dumping the tank, starting over with dry rock and just keeping the coral I have now in a pico tank while the main tank re-cycles......grrrrr
unless you are looking to also throw out most of your corals you need to be patient. Anything in the tank will be in/on your corals when you transfer if the dips and inteceptor is not proving to work.

Up the dose fo the interceptor for the next treatment and I would throw a hermit in there to ensure it is working. I know it might be cruel to use a hermit as a type of coal mine canary but you need to be sure.
Yeah man, I kind of already did that.

I left 1 scarlet hermit in during the first interceptor treatment. Not to be cruel, but because I couldn't find the little bugger. After the treatment, I saw him crawling around like normal. So I probably need to up the dosage.

As for "throwing out most of the coral", I don't know that I would need to. I think the dips are working but they're getting re-infested when I put them back in the tank. Either way, that's going to be more of a last resort than anything else. I may go ahead and start moving my more expensive pieces over to the 10 Gal though. After a good dip and all of course. Just until I get the main tank back in shape again.
I had to dose more then people recommended. I believe I easily went to half a tab if not more for my dosage just to nuke the bastards.
Well, second dose of interceptor done now. I can tell the higher dosage made a difference, my poor cleaner shrimp that I couldn't catch bit the big one. I got him out,but that probably means I have 1 scarlet legged hermit in there that I should track down since I'm pretty sure he didn't make it either. :(

I'm gonna have to seed pods from my cultures like a mad man for the next week or so methinks.
Yeah, dosing's not bad, it's just the aftermath I don't really like. Ya never know if something else is going to get messed up. But I did a 25% water change and am running about 3/4 cartridge (BRS reactor) of carbon now to clean it up. I'll probably do another water change in a day or two, then start re-seeding pods.
JBwave came in today. Easiest hook up and config ever. Took me about 5 minutes and it's all up and running.

It's pretty cool, at least I can now adjust the RW-4 remotely if I need/want to by just logging into my computer.
Sweet. That reinforces my decision to go rw8 on next tank. Do you think you miss anything that one would get with the WAV or mp?
MP? Nope, I think you can make many of the adjustments and variations.

WAV, I don't think you'll miss anything from an operational level, but you won't get near the level of detail/reporting/monitoring/etc.

Obviously, in both the cases, the strengths of the PH's themselves should be considered.
I cant see a real need for reporting from my PH. At least not to get started on the tank. Figure 220 to get 2 RWs and the jbwave vs 500 for the WAV bundle.

Is there a limit to how many RWs you can have on the JBWave? Is it 2? If so I might need to do the RW15 just to ensure I can move enough water.
Well, last interceptor dose is done, so now to see how things progress over the next bit.

Also added in a couple of pieces of reefsavers dry rock to adjust the 'scape so I can have the "shelves" I need for keeping both sps and lps in the tank. I also worked it so I can actually see all the way through the tank from side to side along the bottom an optimized the positioning of the PH I have running along the bottom to keep any detrius pushed over to the one side (easier for cleaning during water changes).


Couple of newer pieces I picked up:

Pic on this one didn't turn out very good, but it's a cool piece. Blue and pink with some purple spots.
Well, it's been a bit, so I figured I'd throw in some updates on the tank.

As Soulpatch knows, I went ahead and picked up a WAV starter kit over the black friday sales (primarily just because I wanted to play around with them). I installed 1 of the PH's about 3 days ago and waited a bit to see how the tank responded. After getting the beta firmware from Neptune to fix the pulsing/33% issue it worked like a charm.

Today I added in the second PH and have it fully set in inverse mode of the other one. Things still look a little chaotic even at only 15%-20% on all "modes" but it may not be too bad. I'm going to let it ride for a day or two and see how the tank responds. What I do know if that if I keep both WAV's in the tank, I probably don't need the one little Koralia PH I have sweeping across the bottom to push all the detrius to one side as they kicked up a ton that I didn't even know was in the tank. Guess I'll be swapping out filter socks more often!

Anyway, here's a few pics of the tank now. I've also changed the rockwork significantly and I think it looks better now.





looking great man. I need to grow out some of my rainbows and we need to do a swap as a few of your grow out as well...
So I thought I'd throw this out to see what kind of feedback I get.

Some of you know that while I really do like the Red Sea Reefer I have, I've been thinking pretty hard about switching to a shallow reef. I've got a list of pro's and cons and thought I'd share them:

-Shallow reef just looks cool
-Allows me to have a longer tank without increasing the volume, which for me equals not adding weight on a second floor apartment in an older building. This would give the fishies more room to "stretch their legs".
-Much easier to clean and get to everything when arranging frags/colonies/rocks/etc.
-Can set up a nice little waterfall easily if I want to (jury's still out on this)

-Have to switch out tanks. Which I've done before but it's not only a pita but it also disturbs all the inhabitants
-Loss of "space" to mount PH's and such. Can you imagine me running WAV's in a 12" tall tank?
-$$$$ have to buy a new tank, stand, sump (at least) and I'm getting tired of spending money on stuff I don't really need to.

At first I was going to go custom and get a 30-36 x 18 x 16 but I can't justify dropping over a grand on just the tank (for one so small) and then another 500-700 on a stand.

Then I started looking for "off the shelf" tanks that I could work with. If I go this route, I'll probably go with the Deep Blue Professional rimless RR 34Gal tank (36x18x12). The only problem there is I think 12" might be more shallow than I really want. But, it's a compromise between tank size and cost. I can get the tank and stand for this delivered for under $500.

So anyway, that's the thinking I've been doing recently. Any thoughts or ideas anyone (constructive please :) )