calcium for clams


Premium Member
hi, i recently added another clam to my 50g. i would like to get more clams, but providing enough calcium for the 3 clams and other corals i already have is becoming a concern. right now i just add turbo calcium to my top off water every other day or so.

can you folks suggest an effective calcium supplement? a calcium reactor isn't possible, because i have a small apartment and don't have room for equipment. i'm thinking of doing the 2 part ESV thing. what other products are out there that i should consider?

calcium for clams

Hi Jeff,

I get the best results from using Seachem's Reef Advantage Calcium and Reef Builder. I use them as my 2 part additive. Just make sure you don't mix them together. I just add them on my top up water on separate days.
Make sure you do a weekly water change to keep the Ionic Balance in control.
IMO what you're using is very cost effective. You can get 800g. for $12.59 MO. I'm using it on my 90gal and 550. For buffer I'm using Arm & Hammer baking soda and washing soda @ 6:1 ratio which is also very cost effective.

this is a very interesting view. in your opinion, if i stick to this method, (turbo c., & superbuffer) would 10% 14-day water changes be sufficient?

the reason why i am contemplating a change in calc product, is i'm wondering if i have any other chemical deficiencies that the 2-part products would provide.


p.s. i read on another post that you flew out my way for the seabay meeting. how can i convince my girlfriend to include out of state trips in my reef budget? :D
You didn't mention if you have a big fish load, if not you could get away with a 15% water change per month (IMO). The only other thing I test for/add is magnesium. If it gets too low it can interfere with the calcium levels.

I enjoyed the meeting very much. I was able to have a nice chat with Wayne after his presentation. I was unable to see his tank in person due to scheduling. I did manage a trip over to the East Bay to see Eddie's place WOW! you guys are so lucky to have great places for livestock. I would have dropped $500 that day easy if I lived down there :D . I have 100's of thousands of frequent flyer miles so my wife is OK with it. She's on a free trip to Denver now :)

I use Kent's TECH A and B Ca buffer product. It's expensive, but, it works very well. I used to use turbo Ca w/ superbuffer (added to top off water), but, it didn't keep the alk where I wanted it. When i switched to the Tech stuff I started getting coraline on the glass.
i have a 50gal with a ocellaris pair, purple firefish, 4-line wrasse, lawnmower blenny and (ssshhh!) a yellow tang. i'm running a bakpak w/ venturi & airstone mod, with a 2-3" SB & approx. 100lbs of live rock. i think this is a pretty heavy bioload, so i've been changing 10-15% every 2 weeks with RO/DI.

i just picked up a 3" maxima from eddie's shop last week. it is awesome indeed. did you like the anthias tank he has in the back? i was lucky to be there for feeding time :eek2: so beautiful! personally, i love warehouse-type shops. it has such a great feel to it. i went to the new aquarium concepts store a few miles away in hayward on the same day. it's too nice inside... i didn't like it.

i also have kent's magnesium/stronium additive. i use it very sparingly, cuz i don't have a Mg or Stronium kit.

Yes I saw Eddie feed the anthias. I wanted to bring 10 of 12 of them back so bad. I prefer his type of shop also especially when he showed me all the back rooms. My son took a bunch of pictures. If I lived down there I would have to get a job working there in the evenings and just get livestock in payment :D . His prices seemed very reasonable also. Usually when I go to a big city the prices are very high compared to here (the selection is much better though). I also went to Aquarium Concepts but wasn't very impressed with their livestock. The 2000 gal and arch tanks were cool to see however.

Do you have an email address for Eddie? I have his card but it only has the web address (which is under construction).

Here's a picture of oneof his skimmers in his back room. Notice the tank in the background! Now that's a DSB :D

i don't actually have his email address. i tried calling him, but the phone was busy. the number's 510-614-1011.

i'm going back to get another clam after i come back from hawaii in 2 weeks. i'll get his email then, and then forward it to you.

Thanks Jeff. Have fun in Hawaii and try not to drool on the corals too much they don't like that :D Eddie had some really nice clams.

What's up guys,
I don't exactly work for eddie but I'm down there often helping him out with the shop and stuff, just trying to help him get settled for his grand opening... and he gives me good prices on things. Not much else to ask for. :)
Anyway, he doesn't have an e-mail yet, his website should be up pretty soon along with an e-mail account.
If there is a message you guys would like me to relay to him then I could do that. You can either call him at that number posted before or if you would like to e-mail me a message, I will print it up and give it to him.

Speaking of clams, Eddie had this black and white max in a while ago, it sold in a couple days, but I got a chance to take a pic of it before it sold. It was about 5" long...
Having several dozen clams in tanks. I have been using Seachem for many years. This is an OK way to keep up my CA and ect. I do not use a reactor because of a mishap many years ago with an oxygen tank. I do like kalkwasser. Right now I have change to a product call Inland Seas. There is a alk/ph buffer in a powder form that works great and a liquid calcium that for me and my clams is the best! Also there is a biotrace additive. I add these products on weds. and sundays and that is it. They keep my Ca in the mid 400s, ph at 8.2 and alk at 9.