calcium reactor and co2


New member
I am a new member to reef central, i enjoy this site and have learned alot from it. I am setting up a new 120rr and plan to get a calcium reactor. My ? is where can I get a co2 tank refilled or exchange one. And also which calcium reactor/s and co2 equipment are the best bang for $. I notice alot good reviews on MRC but do both chambers on the duel flow up? I also like the look of the barraquatics calcium reactors. Thanks in advance.
I have a DIY CA reactor and can't really comment on commercial ones but as to your question about refilling CO2 tanks. I have mine filled at a commercial gas place that services food companies. You can also check Beer and Soda distributors, they usually will exchange empty tanks for full for a fee. Also, some Beer making supply stores will swap tanks as well.

One think that you'll problably hear a lot about is people getting them filled at paintball places. I've heard that some of these places add an oil to the CO2. I can't confirm it one way or another but I'm not taking any chances.

I got out my yellow pages and called some beverage and beer making stores. They referred me to the place I go now. I asked the guy there to confirm that it's food grade CO2 that he uses. The bottom line is Quality. A little dust, oil or dirt in the gas might not hurt the typical application but I don't want to risk my investment.

As for cost, refilling a five pound tank around here is about $11-12. A ten pound tank is about a buck more. I bought a 5 pound tank off of ebay for about $50. If I had to do it again, I'd buy a 10 pound so it lasts longer.