Calcium reactor


Premium Member
Hi Rodger
A friend and I are both installing Tunze Calcium Reactors. First question. Have they been discontinued?
I have run other reactors before but read your thread on the Tunze use. I do have the calcium dispenser also. So I could use my Apex controller to operate at similar parameters to you? Would that be correct.
My friend has both the Apex and a Tunze controller so I gues he could also.

That means no measure of the effluent ph wise. Just use tank ph. I like that. Sounds like a better way to do it.

The 3170 is still a current product, it is not discontinued. I would set the Apex to keep a pH of 8.10 at first, the kalkwasser will raise the pH and this will trigger the Co2, over time you can edge this up to 8.15 or 8.20 as the KH and calcium levels increase.
So once its over 8.10, the co2 solenoid would open & shut off below that setting. I would measure alk, calcium & mag levels as normal.
Is this correct,
Correct. It will take a couple months to stabilize to where the pH is very consistent but you should get to where it is between 8.00 or so in the early morning and 8.20+ by midday.
Hi Roger
I am the other guy hooking up the calcium reactor. I have a Tunze 7074/2 controller I would like to hook up to it. I'm not sure of the ph controller though, I think it has dried out. Does Tunze sell replacement ones?
Do you mean the electrode? Yes, and electrodes are generally universal so any BNC electrode for pH should work. The original one is part 7070.110 and I would try soaking the one you have in aquarium water for a day before giving up on it. Some salt crust around the tip and top seal is not unusual and does not mean it has failed.