can a single dead trochus snail contribute to "low-tide" smell?


New member
All my water parameters are good, but occasionally I would smell a faint "low-tide" smell. Anyway, I checked everything this past weekend and the only thing I could find was a trochus snail that must have wedged himself into a porous rock and died there. It was pretty small, like not sure if this was the source of that smell (??).
I have 6 hermit crabs that do a good job of cleaning up the uneaten food, but I guess they couldn't get into the hole to munch on this trochus snail.
I doubt it's the snail.. Do you have a skimmer? Sometimes when these get full the odor is much more noticeable.
Yes, I do have a protein skimmer and usually empty out every 2 days or so. I am not sure the source of the faint smell -- something is obviously dead/decaying some place.

This past weekend, I soaked my wavemaker in H202 and cleaned thoroughly.
I vacuumed the sandbed and did 20% WC.
Cleaned every speck of algae off the glass.
Only thing I found dead was that snail.

I have one of those Chill Solutions thermo-electric chillers, that will be my next thing to clean-out thoroughly. It could be some algae has built-up inside it (maybe ???).
You'd be surprised the stench a dead snail can create. I'm talking full-on dry heaves if you pull a dead one out of the water and take a good smell...

A dead snail is the worst ever smell. I'm not saying that's it but if you remove it and wait a day the smell should be gone if it was it. If is still there after removal then it is something else.
Water is a pretty good insulator of smell. It’s only when things come out of the water that they really start to stink it up. Have you checked around the outside of the tank, particularly behind the tank for any jumpers? Or possibly a snail that accidentally climbed up and out and couldn’t find its way back in?

How about frozen food? If you feed and accidentally leave some out, that causes a serious funk.
How about frozen food? If you feed and accidentally leave some out, that causes a serious funk.


A buddy of mine used to have a beautiful 90 gallon tank, but when you walked into the room where it was at it smelled pretty bad. After closer inspection he was a slob when it came down to feeding the tank. There was all kinds of food stuck to the rim of the tank. He probably hadn't wiped that down in weeks. Yuck!
....Or possibly a snail that accidentally climbed up and out and couldn't find its way back in?.

Thank you so much! I forgot to mention that I have AIO-tank. After closer inspection I removed the protein skimmer and wedged in there were 2 more dead trochus snails and 1 big hermit crab (always wondered where that one went). Additionally, there was a bunch of crap (probably dead/decaying algae) at the bottom of that compartment. I cleaned the skimmer thoroughly -- it was pretty nasty and vacuumed up everything in that compartment. Additionally, I had found at least 1/2 dozen Seachem Matrix pebbles down there. Now, not only is the smell gone, but I have better flow and seems the protein skimmer is running much more quieter.

Thanks to everyone who responded!