Can I add more stock?


I have a 210 gallon six foot long tank. It is currently stocked with:

Chaetodontoplus duboulayi
Pygoplites diacanthus
Chaetodon auriga
Chaetodon collare
Chaetodon semilarvatus
Chaetodon xanthurus
Chaetodon tinkeri
Chaetodon fremblii
Gramma loreto x 2
Pterapogon kauderni x 2
Chromis viridis x 6
Chromis viridis x 2
Pseudanthias bimaculatus x 5
Lysmata debelius x 2

Can I add anymore fish? Was thinking about a couple more butterflies.

Looks like you already have 7 butterflies and the regal angel. I'm not sure how big they are but from your list those are going to be the largest sources of waste/biomass in your tank. What type of filtration do you have? Is this a FOWLR? How large are the butterflies currently? What species do you want to add? I am more cautious about adding larger fishes in my own tank but that doesn't mean the same for others. I have 4 tangs, a foxface, and two large angels (and some small fish) in my 300 and feel that it's pretty much maxed out. If I'm you, I'd probably leave the fish assemblage as it is currently, let the fish grow, and see how your system does over the coming months.
It's a FOWLR, I have a sump that holds 30 gallons while running with a reef octopus 220 internal skimmer and about 75 pounds of LR. I would only consider adding fish calculating their full size
Common names:

blue/green chromis x 6
bimac anthias x 5
yellow watchman goby x 2
royal grama x 2
banggai cardinal
threadfin butterfly
pakistan butterfly
golden butterfly
blue-lined butterfly
pearlscale butterfly
sunset butterfly
tinker butterfly
dwarf flame angel
yellow-bellied regal angel
scribbled angel
sand sifting starfish
blood red fire shrimp x 2