can I cut a ricordia like a mushroom?


New member
I have been cutting mushrooms for years with a 99% perfect growth rate on the pieces. But I have never tried a ricordia. Can I cut them up and expect 6-7 new ones or all dead? Or do I just wait for them to multiply? They seem slow to multiply, and when I try to feed them, the fish, shrimp or crabs get it from them. Plus they are on a vertical surface, but I could change that. Thanks, Steve:)
how many mouths do they have. they best way to ensure survival is cut them between mouths. and they are almost for sure to make it
The best approach if a ric has only one mouth is to cut it into halves or quarters, but make certain each piece has a portion of the mouth and foot. For halves, it usually takes four to six weeks to form back into a complete ric (of course, quarters will take longer and be smaller). If you end up with pieces without a portion of the mouth, it can take two weeks or more just to form the mouth and the success rate is not quite as high.

Good luck!!