Can i mix Zeovit amino acid LPS with Two Little Fishies Acropower?


New member
Im dosing on a weekly basis Acropower from TLF but I also have some LPS for which Id like to dose and try Zeovit Amino acid LPS. Any caution I should use in doing so?
Im running biopellets and gfo and after a year i have a slight green hair algae on some rocks but i hardly see it since blue toxedo urchin takes care of the problem. There used to be a green film on my glass after a week but now it doesnt anymore so i think my params are in check.This is a coral invert tank only.
I agree, it's possible you may run into nutrient algae by doing that.

If you were too, I'd just start super super slow and take it easy.

If anything, just dose one or the other. Why mix them?

Honestly though, if you're having a slight green hair algae problem, you may already be experiencing nutrient issues..