Can I use my old lenses?


Active member
I have a couple basic point and shoot digital cameras. 1.3 MP actually takes good pictures for the web of my rubber parts but I must be real careful with the card since it's no longer produced. Some zoom ability on a 5.0 mp but the macro mode doesn't do much for me. Soon going to look at DSLR's and is there any chance I can use the lenses from my 35 film Olympus on anything digital. I've got several 1,000 invested in them already and haven't used them in over ten years.

I dont know anything about Olympus, but I would assume you would be able to use your lenses on the Olympus SLR. But in 10 years, the mount might have changed by now. Just check with Olympus's website and see what lenses it uses. Or if someone here has one, they might be able to tell you.
My old one which I have here at the shop is a an OM-10. I have my Dad's old Olympus which was a higher $ camera at the time but can't remember the model. The lenses on both were interchangeable which is why I bought mine back in the 80's. Both take great pictures... just film.

If no one can answer here you might try They have an Olympus SLR forum where you can ask the question but be prepared to provide a few more details such as model number of camera, both old and digital you are looking at along with a small list of lenses you currently have.
It depends on the mounting bracket. And, most likely, they will only work in fully manual AF or anything. I know you can do this with Nikon lenses on Nikon cameras....know of several photogs who use the old manual lenses on new digital bodies.

Perhaps call Olympus and ask them, or check at your local *quality* camera shop (ie NOT BestBuy or Circuit City or etc). Maybe take one lens with you and see if it mounts and such.
Thanks all. I'll go by our local shop next week, Empire Camera. They're the only camera shop we have left that was able to maintain a nich. My choice of camera at this point would be one that takes the lenses I already own if possible.

I never use AF on my tank shots so that's not an issue. I usually find focus on a shot and then shot a couple more on both sides of that. Those LCDs don't help me much on focus. :(
