How Important Is White Balance (WB)?

How bout your tank??? Did you move it or shut it down for now. Hope the job change and everything else was good.

EDIT: Oh yea, congrats on the FF. You gotta show some stuff!!!
Tank got moved. It was supposed to get upgraded during the move but that didn't happen. It's looking pretty good over all. When I had time to scrape the front glass the other day I was pleased with what I saw on the other side.

I'm in a better situation now, my kids are great and I have a new toy to play with when I can find the time. Life is good. :dance:

Sorry to derail the thread.
I think you have some good info in your original post. However, what you are trying to argue is very subjective.

About 99% of the photos I see on here are way too cool. On the color scale, blue cancels out yellow (cool vs. warm) and yellow cancels out blue (warm vs. cool).

I disagree with this. Most reefers tend to have lighting that leans toward the blue spectrum. Therefore, a properly white balanced shot will in all likelihood look more bluish (or cool as you describe it) than yellow or warm. You can't compare photos or video taken under natural sunlight in the ocean with shots of an artificial reef under artificial light... if they looked the same, then in my opinion there would definitely be a problem (one or the other would be way off).

I think Aaron does a pretty darn bang on job of presenting images that are white balanced. However, the only way to verify that the WB is set so that it is as true to life as possible would involve going over to Aaron's place and seeing his tank in person, then comparing that to his shots. In the meantime, I'm inclined to take Aaron's word for it.
Theres a reason most reef lighting is toward the blue spectrum. It showcases the fourescents in corals. Is pleasing to look at. Why would we want to adjust our photos so they dont look like what the eye sees? Granted there are some photos posted that are way too blue, but many appear blue for the same reasons we use blue lighting. it looks cool!

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