Can lemon juice lower salinity?


New member
So I have a small aiptasia outbreak in my tank and I read online and heard from other people that you can use a 3ml syringe and lemon juice to kill them off so I did that last night. This morning thanks to my apex controller I woke up to a notification that my salinity had dropped from .35ppt to .30ppt and it did it rapidly. I have a 300 gallon reef tank and I can't find any leaks anywhere so I don't think it was my ATO. I was just curious if the lemon juice may have caused it? Not sure where else to look as that was the only thing that I did out of the ordinary.
Thanks for the help.
Shouldn't have any affect on your salinity, unless you add a TON of it, in which case you'd have other much larger problems. May want to double check your probe or refractometer to see if it's reading accurately.

pH can drop, but usually not by much with smaller amounts.
that my salinity had dropped from .35ppt to .30ppt and it did it rapidly. I have a 300 gallon reef tank and I can't find any leaks anywhere so I don't think it was my ATO.

That would take about 40 gallons of water in your system..
Is your ATO system capable of replacing all of that without being noticeable?

Likely just the sensor loosing its calibration or something.. Got a refractometer to manually test?
It won’t cause a reaction that will remove salt from the water. I would say bad sensor or lost calibration as well.
So I've got the apex controller and a hydrometer and both were reading low this morning. My ATO is 44 gallons but at water level it is currently at it hasn't added very much so I don't think it is that. I added some new livestock as far as corals this weekend because I bought a used tank and tore it down and kept all of the amazing corals. But this happened about 24 hours after I added them. I just can't figure out what caused it unless both are reading wrong. I am attaching the apex readings.


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Only 2 options your ATO really did dump in a large amount of water or both your probe and hydrometer are wrong.... I use a refractometer because hydro's are notoriously wrong.... so who knows you will have to test with a refractometer to find out.

if you are sure your ATO didn't dump water in then your probe went bad....

Any corals acting weird?
My Apex salinity readings started showing low levels. I wasn't concerned as the refractometer was show sg where it should be. I finally calibrated and now once again getting solid results. I think you will see when I finally calibrated.


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