can you believe what an *** this man is

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I think it benefits no one to talk down, about a LFS, on a public forum such as this.
Whereas the info may be "bad" for one person doesn't mean its "bad" for everyone. Lets face it, you don't have to have all the bells and whistles to have a good aquarium, you can use gravel if you want, i've kept many a cardinal tetra in Albany tap water with no problems, hell i''ve kept 2 oscars in a 20gal for years until they got so big i had to get rid of them.

The guy had a point about "why should he help you if your not going to buy anything". Go to Roland J Down and ask them to show you how to install this new furnace you just bought even though you're not going to pay them anything. These stores are around to make money. The good advice comes from hobbyist's.
The part of this that has caused trouble before is that we are talking about a person. Right or wrong, true or false when stuff like this goes into writing we end up with said person holding a grudge against the whole club. The fact that it is in print somehow really does make it more personal.

I am not criticizing anyone in particular for their opinions, just asking you to exercise restraint and if you would like to know my opinions and experiences with this or any other local vendors feel free to ask me at a meeting or send me a PM.

I believe that Freed's "shout out" from Indiana shows us just how public this forum is and that we don't know who is reading it. We've come a long way in healing wounds of the past, we've established (or reestablished) a good reputation with the local vendors and I'd like to see that continue.

Flame the LFS and maybe they'll get the hint. WOOOHOOOO!! What good does it do to keep the LFS' hideous attitude and your opinions to yourselves? The LFS will only keep giving shoddy advice and will continue treating customers like dirt. You scerred the LFS won't like your money anymore? That's the only thing that this one LFS is in the business for, right? He doesn't care about your feelings or how you run your aquariums or if your new fish dies that you just bought from him or not. Come back to me and buy another is what he is saying. This guy is obviously only in it for the money. HHHMMMMM
Flame the LFS and maybe they'll get the hint.

Unfortunately, people don't work that way. Say bad stuff about them, or yell at them, and they hate you. End of story.

Have nice relations with the stores, and progress can be made all around. The stores can do nice stuff for us and we can do nice stuff for them. Maybe more with some than with others, sure.
Look man, I'm sorry that you have absolutly no idea what you are talking about but at one time this club was at odds with one of our areas largest local stores and thanks to our efforts to reestablish a good relationship that store donated corals to our captive propogation workshop.

Members of this club are employed at the store mentoined in this thread and this type of commentary would certainly put them in an awkward position. As mentioned before this is a local issue and I though I hate to do it I am asking a moderator to close this thread.

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