Canon Powershot A630 8 megapixel, can't get it set up right...


New member
Anyone have any tips on taking good fish shots without the blur?

I'm also getting really grainy close ups, any tips on those shots?

I've tried running it on Aperture Priority and Manual with a high ISO for action shots, but still really blurry.

I am also using a tri-pod.

Here's an example, the fish were practicly sitting still lol



And here is the grainy-ness of the close up, about halfway zoomed in.
The first one looks like it may just be slightly out of focus (focal point) and a little overexposed. The closeup on the bottom doesn't look very grainy, I believe that is actually the anemone's texture. From what I've read everywhere most cameras get grainy at higher ISO though
Yeah I think part of it is texture but on the fish its definit grain and noise but sixfins right that happens at higher iso's I would say take the iso down 100 - 200 and see what you can get

The first one could definitly be focus or just slightly to slow of a shutter speed, the colors look good though
i have the same issues as you using a point and shoot canon. i've found that i have to use 200 iso, shutter speeds between 1/30 and 1/80 depending on the light in the aquarium. I have to set the white balance manually with a white piece of plastic under the light in the aquarium. I also have to use manual focus under the macro mode because it is very rare that it will focus well on it's own
Two more

Man, if I would have had it dialed in this shot would be awesome. Unfortunately ruined by blurriness/noise...


This one is ok I guess

Yeah, I definately agree with breutus that you had great colors. Also after looking closer I can see a little graininess on the clown in that second one, however it's still a decent pic. That second one of the blenny looks great. Then on the first pic in that last post you made I would say you're getting noise issues from high ISO, go lower. I know some P&S cameras have to go down to 80 or 100 to get rid of noise and grain, I would also speed your arperture if possible. Just keep playing with it you're getting some pretty decent shots.