Captive bred fish


New member
Planning on setting up my tank in the future, waiting to move first. I want to have the least amount of impact on the natural reefs as I can. Corals will be easy, as frags are everywhere, and the rock will be all DIY with few pounds of rubble to get things going. I am thinking this rubble would even be pulled out and returned to the LFS so I can say that nothing came from the actual ocean. My qustion is what fish breed in captivity? last time I had my reef I remember the only thing in there I could confirm were captive bred were the clowns. The Tangs were wild caught, this is what I want to avoid as much as possible.
Clowns, several goby species, two dragonette species from ORA, dottybacks, Bangai and Pajama Cardinals, Maculosus and Asfur Angels. Hopefully even more will added to the list of commonly available from commercial sources.
Some of the larger on-line fish retailers (ex. L.A.) list their available tank-bred fish (and corals).
I have a pair of Neon Gobies that were tank raised. LA, and other vendors, have them from time to time. All my corals were aqua-cultured. My clownfish pair were tank raised too.
Thank you for the responses, I have been doing a lot of reading. I am thinking about setting up a tan or two off my main tank and attempting to breed some. I still have a few months before I return from Germany, but right now I am thinking a 180 plus DT, and maybe 1 or 2 55G for breeding.
I wont keep fish that wont reproduce in captivity...with the exception of species I would be putting a serious effort to change there status to "captive bred"

FW or SW doesnt matter........imo wild caught should only be used as a source to produce captive bred specimens...........if a species refuses to breed in captivity....well imo its better left were it came from :)

I am the same way with reptiles,mammals, inverts, amphibians, insects,ect. it isnt an issue of morals for me it is a matter of health...wild caught usualy means paracites in one form or another....even if there QC before sold.
That is kind of my plan also, I had good luck with breeding African Chiclids while here in Germany. I am planning my tank out now, and want to design all the tanks out first. I am thinking will let the fish breed in the main, and grow the fry in 20G BB's, all plumbed as one. Just need to make sure the house I buy has a good sized basement in it.
I still keep some AC (african cichlids) around :) mouth breeders are cool critters :)

I also have a few NW cichlids (tiger oscars are my fav)

I also keep betas (thought these are a bit different than your department store varity ;)...and getting better all the time :) ) bubble nest builders are cool too...

koi, several types of goldfish accualy...theres even a tank of guppys who have had relatives living in that tank for 30+ yrs (mostly used for feeders but i havent bought a guppy since i started the tank)

this little SW trip accualy started from wanting to tinker around with clownfish...ocelleris to be exact....imo this species has unlimited potential for different color varitys.........and in the years to come some may not even resemble the wild varity in the slightest.

I have also bred several types of snakes, lizards, and other "herps" over the years...ball pythons are my favorite when it comes to those :)