Carbon Dosing Pellets - Are There Differences?

Jeremy B.

Active member
I have been asked by many hobbyists in the last month or so exactly what are the differences between the many brands, and new formulas within the same brands, of carbon reducing pellets available on the market. I thought I would share the information that I have in one public place so that more can reference it, along with a comparison photo of the current brands we carry.

From the research that I have done on my own I have come to figure out that we are dealing with non-starch based genetically modified plastic resins, manufactured by only a couple of different places world wide.

These plastic resins, as many products are in the very small aquarium industry, are not designed or manufactured specifically for our industry. Rather, they are used in injection molding and blow molding of biodegradable items such as plastic water bottles, disposable forks, spoons, knives, and plates. Once these items hit the landfill, which is full of anaerobic and aerobic bacterias, the breakdown process begins. It just so happens that these same anaerobic and aerobic bacterias are present within our aquariums, causing a similar reaction, which then releases the wanted food source for our bacterias to "super" populate.

Now that we have multiple available pellets, what are the actual differences? Again, to my knowledge from my own research, I have found that mostly it's just manufacturer who has extruded the pellet itself. I have found exactly 2 companies worldwide who have created an additive that when used between .5% and 1% mixing ratio with the polymers that form the resin, make the plastic "biodegradable" once the pellet is extruded.

Below you will find a photo of the different brand pellets we have, and the similarities between those. Please note that this is just the information I have formed from my own research. I do not have definitive information on the exact chemical makeup of the different brand pellets we are selling, as that has not been released by the reseller.

Is funny how similar these different products look. The suppliers are wise to guard their sources considering how cheap the initial product is before packaging and sale. That being said, alot of other reefing supplies are now becoming more affordable and in bulk sizes that are available to the consumer such as high quality carbons and GFO media. Possibly in a few years the new bio-medias will be cheaper and available in bulk.

There are alot of companies out there competing for everyone's shrinking disposable income..............

And yes, Jeremy and all of the crew at Premium do a fantastic job, they go out of ther way daily to make all of their customers (and potentials) happy.

No problem at all. I get this question multiple times a day, so I thought it would be helpful to have on here for hobbyists to reference in a public place.
blow molding of biodegradable items such as plastic water bottles, disposable forks, spoons, knives, and plates.

So really, all I need to do is grind up some of our redneck cutlery and Im good. ;)

Thanks for the information Jeremy. Has any of the manufactures posted any recommendations for flow?
None of the manuf's have posted flow numbers that I know of. I still think it's a of trial and error, what works well for one system may not for the other just due to all of the variables in our water chemistry.
On your site it appears as if you are selling one type of NP BioPellets(a search for "BioPellets came up with one product in two sizes, further search finds TLF NPX and Vertex, but no other type of NP BioPellets). What may prove to be immensely beatifically to the reefing community in general would be a specific reason why there is a second generation and why you no longer sell the first.
Maybe I misunderstood your black lettering.
"NP - 1st GEN"
"NP - 2nd GEN"
Are these abbreviation for something else? The package says, "New Formula". I thought you were referring to a new formula/old formula, 1st generation/2nd generation.
The first NP pellet is gone, they're not longer using that specific one. They are now using the pellet that is the same as the Vertex pellets.
I just started with the Vertex pellets, my IN-280 skimmer does not want to produce any fine foam since I added these pellets (3 days now).

Should I be concerned?

Has anyone else had this problem?
Your pinwheel is slimmed up. This happen to me with the ATB brand. I have switched to the WM brand and no skimmer problems (1 week running). I tried the Vertex also and those like the ATB seemed to clump more and had a hard time keeping them tumbling. I took the garden hose and flushed the pump out and it was working again.