Carbon Dosing/Zeolith Usage


Phish Lover
Zeolith should be utilized in a proper reactor. My question is if I cannot afford the Zeolith reactor, is using many phosphate reactors not a good idea? I ask because it seems they get clogged fairly easily and I can't shake it all loose.

What do you do if you're using alternative zeolith reators?
The phosphate reactor would work if you could easily bump the rocks some how.. If I didn't have a zeo reactor I would probably make one DIY.
I use a TLF Phosban reactor for my zeovit system. It works just fine if your tank is less than 75 gallons (0.7 kg of zeolites) since the reactor holds about 1 kg. Just shake the reactor and make sure you have a enough room for the rocks to tumble. I have extra soft tubing so u can take the reactor out and shake it. I have it as HOB.
Currently I am using a TLF Phosban Reactor and a Deluxe Bulk Reef Supply Reactor. I have to use 2 because my tank is 180 gallons plus the sump. I have them both almost all the way full because I need all the zeolith I can get. The BRS reactor is so much better than the TLF Reactor for many reasons, one that it much harder to clog or obstruct its flow. Right now I've been opening up the flow and trying to shake it to get the junk out but it doesn't seem to be helping much.

I've never actually seen a real Zeo Reactor in action and am wondering how it works or what makes it a Zeo Reactor? I would try to DIY one if I knew what to do.
It's a VERY simple design. I think I'm going to make one (have on made) soon since I'm bacteria and carbon dosing now.

Vertex makes ones that are very affordable now as well.

Vertex ZEO reactor
I've been eying the Vertex reactor, but money's tight and I couldn't convince myself its absolutely necessary. I could DIY some old TLF reactors if I just knew what happens when you lift the handle. Does the whole inside chamber lift up along with the handle? I know, pretty stupid and obvious question, but I want to make sure. Also, does the media ever come out of the water? How high can you lift it?