Caribbean Biotope Seagrass Tank

I'm back from a trip to Tulum, Mexico. It's a beautiful, exotic beach town. One hilarious occurrence was that there was a lot of macro algae there. There were literally hundreds of tons of Sargassum washing up on the beach! I did a little snorkeling and found lots of red macros and a few greens growing on the bottom. It was great to see them in their natural environment! It was tempting to collect some, but of course that would be illegal, and would have added stress to my trip. When I told people I put this stuff in my aquarium, they were like, "here you go, take all you want!"

Now that I'm back, it's time to start the re-do!

Oh man, Tulum is pretty awesome! Playa del Carmen also has some terrific snorkeling sites.
Thanks Dawn. I better get crackin'!

One thing I got started on before my trip was a new QT setup. Since I usually keep multiples of each fish, it occurred to me that my QTs were way too small. Six grammas in a 20 gallon tank is too stressful for new fish that are already stressed. So I got a used 40 gallon standard. I found an unused piece of egg crate and zip tied a bunch of pipe sections to it. This will go against the back wall, not unlike the fake wall in the display. I want to provide plenty of hidey holes for everyone to feel secure and unstressed. Hopefully, I can get it set up and running shortly, so I can start the process of getting new fish, while I'm re-doing.
Tulum is awesome, McPuff! It's only a 3 hour flight from Denver, and a world away. I would have liked to do more snorkeling but this trip was for my daughter's wedding, so I had lots of other stuff to do. We had a great time there!

One thing that occurs to me, with the re-do is when do I start a new thread?
Welcome back, sounds like you had a great trip! Looking forward to your tank re-do as well...

Is everything OK in your tank?
Thanks Kevin. It's good to be back.

Everything is OK in the tank. The shoal grass continues to grow thicker and taller. A lot of the macros that I ripped out are trying to come back. Aiptasia anemones are everywhere! I'm really looking forward to getting rid of them, along with the other pests! I still have the heinous UV setup going. Most of the dinos are gone. Really the only place I see them is on the gorgonian, so I keep removing them.

One thing I hadn't really thought about is that re-doing the tank means I'm really going back to square one. Not thrilled about that, but on the other hand, it will give me the chance to try doing some things a little differently. I guess I need to go back and read what I did before and see what I'd like to change. If I could avoid a cyano outbreak, I'd be OK with that…
I'd be real torn on starting a new thread as well, you don't want the old thread to go by the wayside but by the time folks get from start to finish its a whole new tank!
I was thinking that maybe the way to bridge the two is to link this thread on post number one of the new thread (or maybe in Michael's signature line).
Thanks and welcome _divad!

It's nice to hear from someone new. Hope you enjoy the thread and don't hesitate to ask questions!
Thanks BonesCJ. I'm pretty sure I'm going to start a new thread, but I'm not sure at what point to do it!

That's a good idea, Kevin! I'm also considering seeing if I can get it stickied, or even put into the "Old Helpful Posts" sticky.

Whatever I end up doing, I hope to start making some progress this weekend on the actual re-do!
Michael, I would be afraid if you put your old thread anywhere except linked in the 1st post of the new thread, that folks would miss it or not find it. Its such great information that you want anyone interested to have easy access to it.

It's weird to see my tank without the fake root. I kinda like it. Also got the QT up and running. Not sure what's next. I guess I need to set up another tank for the grasses and other stuff I want to keep.

Are the above pics visible? They're a little big. Here they are a little smaller:


I have a few thoughts on the redo.

What if you moved the root to the left side, deep sand bed to the right, and the light to the right?
From a visual standpoint, you would still have the same concept, but you would have better emphasis on the open space of the two sided glass corner, better viewing and depth of the grasses, and less emphasis on the flow through wall.

What ever happened to the potential Condy you found in the overflow area??
Thanks Sam.

That's a bit more of a red-do than I want. I'd have to rebuild the fake root and the DSB planter, which is waaaaay more work than I want to do. As it stands now, I just have an easy alteration to the planter, and a simple crack repair and repaint of the root.

I don't think I'd like the seagrass on the right. They would pretty much block the view into the tank from the end. Having the right end darker and more open, allows you to see into the tank better. The flow-through wall will be deemphasized with the new fake wall covering it.

I think the condy is still in the flow-through partitioned area. It's hard to tell now because a lot of coralline algae has grown there, so it's hard to see. I'm hoping to remove it and put it in the temp holding tank, with the grasses and whatever else I want to keep. I'm still not absolutely certain it is the condy, but I think it is, say 80% sure. It would be so cool to revive it and return it to its former glory! That is my hope.

Anyway, thanks again for the ideas!
Yes, the grasses are thicker than ever right now. In the first year or so, the grasses were much more sparse. It took me awhile to figure out how to get them to flourish. Sam's idea makes more sense, assuming sparse growth. Even so, I think I'd prefer looking through the fake roots. The way they frame the view is pretty cool and unique. Also having the DSB on the right puts it against the glass, giving the ant farm look. The main reason I built the planter was to avoid that.

It was an interesting idea to consider and the perfect time to consider it.