Caribbean Biotope Seagrass Tank

Thanks Dawn and Kevin. Sorry progress is so slow. We have additional people in the house, so I'm finding it harder to set aside time to do stuff. So I just chip away at it, in small steps. Knowing me, at some point it will progress into big steps.
Hey, it's your tank and your timeline. We're just along for the ride ;)

I've been really lazy with my tanks, especially the new builds. Lately, I've just been doing maintenance on the tanks I have up and running, especially my QT tank. I have had some time to work on the new builds, but have been doing other things (family, fishing, etc.), and my motivation has reduced in priority as a result. But, it's weighing on me, so one of these days soon, I'll get my butt in gear and get to work on them. I have some issues with my infrastructure (water and electric) that I need to work out, so that has been part of the problem, and to fix that costs more money that I don't currently have. But, I have plenty of work that I can do to move things along in the right direction to save me time later down the road. Anyway, point's all good, man!
Sounds familiar, Kevin! It is nice to have a life. What kind of fishing do you do?

I know what you mean with the money thing. I've got to watch the finances too. I have to wait for stuff to go on sale, and align that with the times when I have some cash! It's yet another factor in this hobby that teaches me patience. It would be so much easier if somebody would just pay me to do this!

So yeah, I wish this process went quicker. Once I start ripping out seagrass, things should pick up. Maybe this weekend…
Ha ha, the story of an aquarist's life...when we have the time we do not have the money and vise versa. The positive side to all that waiting is that we really relish and treasure things we had to wait for. Just picture if we could have anything at anytime...pretty soon we would have run through every single thing the hobby has to offer and we really would not have explored anything to any depth because we were too busy moving on to the next big thing. In no time we would be like King Solomon in Ecclesiastes saying there is nothing new under the sun and all is vanity. I try to take joy in the anticipation of waiting for something new, (operative word there - TRY!)
Yeah, Michael, money is quite the limiting factor sometimes. But, it's not always weather I have it or not. Sometimes, it's just that I find it difficult to pull the trigger without doing enough research, almost to the point of obsession where I can't make up my mind on exactly the product that I want, for fear of buying something that won't live up to my expectations. And, that fault isn't always with aquarium supplies, LOL. I'll go to a cool tackle shop and fill my cart with stuff that I "want" and wind up going around and putting most of it back and wind up with only what I "need". My wife is the opposite...spends money that I saved from putting the stuff back, LOL.

Dawn, that is so true, well said.

I love just about all kinds of fishing, mostly freshwater but I also like catching striped bass and saltwater fishing. I've had quite the variety, from fly fishing for brook trout, to fly fishing for salmon and steelhead and saltwater fishing. I used to bass fish primarly, but also enjoy fishing for panfish (crappie, perch, bluegills) and I'm also an avid ice fisherman. My latest obsession has been musky fishing, because it is so difficult compared to other species. Right now, the big stripers are in, so it is cool to get a big striper on a crankbait, but the bass fishing now is good too...but that is always the case in the spring, all of the fishing is good. I'll share a couple fishing pics, but don't want to hijack your thread. I mostly practice catch, photo, and release, but once in a blue moon I may keep some panfish from an ice fishing trip, or a snakehead if I catch one (they are so delicious, best fish that I ever ate).

My personal best striped bass:

Me with a musky, not huge and not my biggest, but a good pic showing their teeth, but I'll take it (they don't get that big in my neck of the woods like they do up North):

My only snakehead, but it was a biggun at 16 pounds, 36 1/2" long:

I've caught lots of bass like this, which are big for Maryland but not so big in Florida, about 7 pounds or so. I've bass fished a LOT in my life.

Fishing, fish collecting, and fossil collecting (mostly sharks teeth) take up so much of my free time that I'm not home all that much. When I'm home, I like to just I need to make better use of my home time.

Sorry to hijack. I guess my fishing pics will get some fish keepers a bit upset, but oh well. 99.99% of the fish that I catch went back to what they were doing before I caught them. :fish1:

OK, sorry, back to your tank thread :uhoh3:
So true, Dawn! It amazes me how much money some folks have to spend on this hobby. I've spent my share too, but now I try to keep using stuff I bought years ago. Hey, it still works! It's true, I appreciate it more, now that I can't just buy anything I want.

Great (big) fish pics, Kevin! It sounds like you've got fishing for anytime of year! I've done a lot of bass fishing when I lived in Georgia. When I lived in Florida, I fished for flounder and redfish. I love flounder! I gave fly fishing a try here in Colorado. I spent most of the time untangling the line from the bushes behind me.

These days, I spend a lot of free time snowboarding and cross country skiing - about three times a week. Now, it's just about time to switch over to the mountain bike. I love going fast, using gravity and my own power. Keeps me young! I too like to relax when I'm home. I'm often sore from playtime! I've got a nice couch/aquarium arrangement I avail myself of, staring for hours.


Life's rough…
Thanks Michael. I've been blessed with good fishing. I have more fishing pics than you can shake a stick at.

I spent most of the time untangling the line from the bushes behind me.
Been there, done that... (literally, in Boulder Canyon)! Yeah, to me, getting outside is my escape and a natural way to unwind, so I do it as much as possible. It sounds like you do the same, just a different and more vigorous sports. That said, musky fishing can wear you out tossing 1 pound lures all day long. There may be a time in the future that I'd have to give it up.

Nice view of the tank! Yeah, life is rough...made me laugh. But hey, it's yet another way to unwind, to crawl into our own underwater realm visually and relax.
I also meant to say that I'm not as into the obsession of catching big fish any longer, just the opportunity to get out and enjoy whatever I fish for. If I catch a big fish, great, but the past five years or so, I've been more interested in things like scenery, and life underwater, enjoying the company and the overall experience, etc., so much so that one of my (stalled) builds is a freshwater river tank. I am considering taking up snorkeling in the river too, fish watching...
Wow, those are some nice fish! Especially the stripe!

The snakehead is pretty amazing. I used to have a red/giant snakehead when I was much younger and they were still legal to own. It was a crazy fish and very cool to watch it eat. Honestly I'd love to have one again but in a much larger tank! :0)
Wow Kevin, those are some whopper fish! I like to fish but don't go very often. I have a grandson who likes to fish and hope to take him in June.

Michael, I like to go fast too but I am too lazy to use my own power. I love motorcycles and although it took me almost 20 years, I have got my husband into it as well. We have ridden our bikes in all of the lower 48 states from our house in PA. Its still on my bucket list to ride to Alaska but I guess Hawaii will never happen, ha ha!

Like you guys I am an outside gal myself. I love landscaping and gardening. I mow our church's property which is 12 acres. Mostly I love running the zero turn radius Cheeta, ha ha!
I keep looking for the new thread LOL. Still checking in here though. How are things going Michael?

Thanks McPuff and Dawn! Nothing like the outdoors and then a fish tank to chill with when you unwind :) Wow, I'd love to make a trip to Alaska, not only to fish but to experience the outdoors there, from the coast to the mountains.
Yeah, nothing to see here. Another weekend without much progress. Between the honey-dos, the family, and my need to exhaust myself playing outside, there just isn't much time for the aquarium re-do.

I should be coming into the time of year when it's too muddy to mountain bike and not enough snow to cross country ski. THAT'S when I should be able to get something done…
I'm in a similar situation, between family plans and fishing trips, not much time. April is the time to be fishing around here, BIG fish time. And the weather is picking up nicely too, so gotta get outside. I don't mean to pressure you, just checking in...
Right on, Kevin.

The only pressure I feel is from myself, really. I think it's the good kind, that will help motivate me to get after it. I feel an explosion of activity coming on!
Enjoying the read.

My vegetable garden has me occupied. All of my systems must run on minimum maintenance during Spring garden.
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Today is the day I commit. I'm going to transfer what I'm keeping to the the HT. This should lead me down the path to draining the tank, allowing me to do the system changes I want to do. It's going to get ugly, before it gets pretty…

Today is the day I commit. I'm going to transfer what I'm keeping to the the HT. This should lead me down the path to draining the tank, allowing me to do the system changes I want to do. It's going to get ugly, before it gets pretty"¦

Honestly, making the decision to rebuild is probably the hardest part. After that it becomes cathartic and the more you get torn down, the better you feel. Once the rebuild begins, it's all excitement. That's how it hits me anyway.