Got my order and everything looks fine except the carpet anomene. After acclimation he first emptied his stomach it appeared and this morning he is closed up and looke like his insides are now outside. I have never had a carpet so I am not sure this is normal or not.
S. haddoni's typically do not ship very well. Typically when one spills its inners the prognosis is never the greatest. Keep an eye on it and see how it progresses over the next 24hrs or so. Is it still very sticky to the touch and trying to burrow down and attatch?
It looked like it shipped well. It was even attached to the bag. It was not very sticky though when I put him in the tank. Right now he is hidden under a huge rock ledge so I can not see him mouth. I am going to give him a few days and see if he decides to come back out before I go in after him. He is attached to a rock because that is all I can see at this point is his foot. I will keep you posted.
Well it came part way out of the rocks. It basically extended itself around a rock so I moved the rock and placed him back on top of the rock ledge. When I did this he looked like he was inside out. His mouth was huge and there was so much tissue coming from his mouth it almost looked like his foot. 10 minutes later he sucked it all back in and his mouth was closed. Not real tight but better then he has been. Tried to feed him silver sides. He was a little sticky but not much. I will watch him for the next few days. I do not think it looks good.
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