caulerpa brachypus?


New member
I beleive I have Caulerpa Brachypus taking over my refugium. It seems to be overgrowing my feather caulerpa. Which type is better. Should I care which I have. The Brachypus grows at least 3-4 time faster.

If you want to export lots of nutrients, whichever algae grows faster is "better." Where did you get that algae from? I just looked it up and I think it might be what sells as C. prolifera.

In my experience sometimes the feather grows faster, sometimes the grape. It changes after I do a heavy pruning.
Us Californians are so lucky to have nearly every strain of caulerpa illegal to sell, possess, transport, admire, look at, even think about...
oh my god

oh my god

whatever you do dont put it in your main tank unless you have a crapload of fish to eat it, i have been trying to kill that stuff for 6 months now. it grows like a weed and hooks into every crevis it touches. i hate the day i got a rock with some of it on it. i have it burrowing into my substrate. i threw a ton of it out in the snow tonight.
What kind of fish do you have sean? I've got a sailfin tang that LOVES that stuff, he'll chase your hand around the tank if you have it...kinda fun really. When I trim back my fuge i'll usually clip a little to the food clip for him to much on.
hi kevin
im in the quad cities moline illinois

yeah that stuff is really something to get rid of once it gets in your tank.
i dont have any fish in my tank that will eat it. i just have a couple percs that i keep.
i am going to put the last rock that has substantial growth of the stuff in my sump with some good lighting. i also have a couple rocks that grow kelp or what looks like kelp on them the leaves are very ruff to the touch and have a orange brown color to them.
i took all the rock out of my tank last week piece by piece and removed all of the caulerpra i could find and stacked it in my sump for a couple days hoping that no light would help kill it.

i am gonna grow the stuff on some homemade rock that is curing in my toilet tanks .
hopefully ill have some to give away here in a month or 2

another interesting thing that i have noticed isthat after the grape bunches mature is that theey turn a reddish color while the leafy parts of the plant stay green, in all the pics ive seen of the stuff is that its either green plant with green grapes or red leafy with red grapes,i dunno. ill check back on this thread after i get some more growing and give yoiu guys some if you want it.