Caulerpa paspaliodes?

It's an easy to grow plant, gets quite large realtive to other Caulerpas.
It's one of my main plants, I have two varieties.
I might part with some soon.

Tom Barr

This is a marine planted tank, no corals, critters except for a few snails and one fish.

There's 49 species of macro algae in here. It's about 1+ old. I've removed some of the mish mash of design and remove some species since this photo trying to work more with aqascaping rather than merely growing plants like mad. I also removed the substrate for a more realistic "mud" I went and got some mud from the same place the plants are all from.

I vacuumed out the mulm from the old gravel, let it settle, then added it back to the new fine grain sand on the very bottom.
The tank did not miss one beat after this change and has since improved even more than.

I add roughly 20ppm of NO3 per week in addition to the fish food along with liberal iron trace additions/Ca etc.

I've played around with PO4 dosings at higher levels, but tend to get some melt down on some species, so I've abandonded it for now, I might make a dilute form of PO4 to use and try much smaller amounts later.
Don't try this, I'm a nut and don't mind experimenting.
Adding KNO3 if you have a large increase in plant biomass in a refuge can prevent melts along with iron/traces/Ca and alkalinity levels.
Youm must feed the monster you creat or else keep the macro's well pruned so that the biomass does not get too large and end up starving itself. When that happens, you'll get a melt.

Stress a terrestiral plant and you'll get seeds etc. This is similar with algae, although the stresses are different.

Tom Barr