Caulerpa ?s


New member
My grape caulerpa has finally grown it fuge completely out and needs its first trimming. We have a 75gallon tank with 30 gallons of refugium. The fuge has a 4.5 inch sand bed and holds about eight inches of water. Ive been reading that Caulerpa can be toxic to the tank if it reproduces sexually. And that turtle grass is the better route to take for a fuge, but I dont think that my sand depth and water height is enough to support it. (??) So Im thinking to trim the macro and trade it for other types of macro and keep in all in check in the fuge. Can all types of macro and other plants (mangroves etc.) live in the same vacinity? Can too much trimming be toxic?

I also have this macro growing in my main tank. Its taken over about a third of the 75 gallon. One day I remember thinking it was pretty, and overnight it pracitically took over the tank. I would get a tang but I dont feel like Ive had the tank long enough yet, and with the fuge being possibly unstable, dont wanna risk it. If I cut back the amount of caulerpa in the fuge will it be harder to get rid of it in the main tank? Should I get an entirely diff. kind of macro for the fuge to suck nutrients from the grape macro in the main? Any ideas?
thanks all

When you cut caulerpa it releases a tiny bit of the toxic chemicals it manufactures. If you damage an individual too much it could die and then release all of the toxic chemicals it has produced. Do you have a protein skimmer? Look into chaetomorpha and gracilaria for non-toxic refugium algae alternatives. If you keep individuals of caulerpa small ('runner' less than 12" long) you are probably less likely to experience sexual reproduction.

as for keeping them with other macros. you'll have to put in some work to make sure your grape doesn't take over your other macros. they can smother or basically shade less competitive slower growing macros.