i would pick only a very select few larger fish as show pieces in the tank...
IMO smaller fish tend to add more movement and diversity to a tank than loading it up with large ones... no way in h e double hockey sticks i would put green chromis in that tank... way too common... if you go the chromis route, go for the blue reef chromis, they bring a whole new dimension to a tank
i would also consider a ton of anthias... nothing looks more natural than a large shoal of those things in a reef tank...
throw in some different wrasses to round out your color scheme and cover all of your primary colors
i personally enjoy my flame hawk more than any other fish ive ever owned, even though in my small tank (40B) any shrimps added dont stand a chance... im betting in a tank that size, shrimp would be possible with a flame hawk
dottybacks (pseudochromis sp.) are also very personable/neat fish as are many of the basslets (especially assessors)
a nice show fish for that tank might be a large naso sp. pair of tangs, unicorns maybe? and a large desjardini or other zebrasoma species...
another absolutely beautiful show type fish is a crosshatch trigger pair, but that might be less peaceful than what you are planning for the tank