Center brace removal??


New member
Anyone ever removed the center braces on both top and bottom of aqueon 120 gallon tank? Or on any size tank for that matter, you know; the black plastic molding... not looking to remove the whole molding completely, just cutting off center ones. Will it hold without them? Thanks
Glass can bow?! I never knew that.
I had a Biocube before and removed the top black trim all around.. Didn't have a problem with it
Glass can bow?! I never knew that.
I had a Biocube before and removed the top black trim all around.. Didn't have a problem with it

That's because there was no center brace. In tanks without a center brace, the trim is nothing more than trim. However, in larger tanks with that center brace, the brace is indeed structural. I've seen tanks with broken braces that have bowed over an inch :eek1:
Don't remove. Mine cracked on my 55 and I was literally holding my tank together until my husband could brace it with clamps. Currently has a homemade brace made from PVC pipe at the moment.
Let me ask you guys this. What about modifying it?

My center braces are 3 inches wide and black, I dont like them. What if I/we trimmed only the outer portions of the plastic brace about 3/4" on each side, leaving 1.5" in the middle still holding it together?

Anyone ever did that?
I wouldn't trust it. The manufacture wouldn't bother with the expense of making it that wide if they could cheap out and use less material ;)
I cut the brace off a 37 years ago and replaced it with an acrylic one.

Don't know what your reason is but I hated the ugly shade and thats why I cut it.
I wanted to buy the standard tank and add my own over flow in the center back, kinda like the oceanic tech tanks, (no longer making the 120). But after all this advice I think I better just order custom, probably from bob at exotics. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge.
I did the same thing with my46 gallon bow . Make sure you empty the tank or super glue and screw before cutting out the black plastic brace with a cutting knife.
Why remove the brace? It is definately a structural requirement. You could do what Milivvy did, but whats the difference?

If the concern is lighting getting through, its usually 1-1.5 inches, adding a acrylic one doesnt change much, they get dirty therefore diminishing light anyways, unless you clean daily. Who wants that?

If you have reflectors the diminshed lighting is minimal, and you could always just keep that in mind when placing the inhabitants.
I cut the brace off a 37 years ago and replaced it with an acrylic one.

Don't know what your reason is but I hated the ugly shade and thats why I cut it.

Is that a typo? You cut the brace off 37 years ago?? How many times have you siliconed the seems? :lolspin:
Is that a typo? You cut the brace off 37 years ago?? How many times have you siliconed the seems? :lolspin:

Lol.. That tank would be older than me. Yeah sometimes when we post from our phones we forget about grammer and punctuation.