cFloor's 190g

I noticed the acros looking 'off' a number of weeks back and checked everything to no avail. After realising it was winter and i was shutting the house up with the heater on all night i decided to check the pH which normally goes from 8.3 to 8.0 overnight. A morning test showed 7.6 which explained a lot and simply running an airline from the skimmer to a window corrected the problem and raised the overnight pH back to 8.0.
Hope you find whatever it is that might be causing an issue sooner rather than later mate - and take more pics :)
That's very interesting about your pH fluctuations, I'm glad you figured it out. I still have so much to learn, as I don't test many parameters, pH being one of them. I test alk every other day or so, temp I always keep an eye on, and I check my salinity once a week with my water changes. Other parameters are checked when I think about it, which is not often and they usually fall in range.

Just making sure this thread isn't broken......... all seems to be working Conor so i'm puzzled why no pics are showing up still......:confused:
Haha, o.k. I took about 50 or so pics today with my phone. 3 of them were decent enough to post. I'd post much more if I could take decent pictures. They all turn out super blue and washed out. When I put them into iPhoto, i slightly adjust the temperature to make it less blue. I also sharpen 5% and up the saturation about 5% as well. This gets it as close as I can to what it looks like in person, but I'm still not thrilled with the outcome. One day I'll have my buddy come over and take some quality photos.

Stunning, just stunning mate and you have one of the best looking fish collections I've seen too :D
Thank you so much, that is a big compliment and I appreciate it.
wow connor your tank is off the hook. i love that blueline angel and your aquascape. freaking baller
Hey, what's up Andrew! Andrew from Aquarium Concepts right? I need to touch base with you. Hope you're good bro!
The two corals in this pic are some of my favorites. The table in the foreground was a brown frag when I got it and I love how it's turning out. It has pearlberry colors, which is nice because my ORA Pearlberry is still a brown frag after a year of owning it. The lokani in the background was placed on a rock where I couldn't see so I just moved it. Its now pretty much front and center in my tank.

I think I've posted this efflo before, but it continues to amaze me. It looked like crap since it was a frag and has really turned around since setting up this tank. Looks better and better every week.

This is one of the first acros I bought about 7 years ago. It's been through all my learning and failures over that time. I've fragged it many times and moved it around much more. It's fairly plain looking but I like the way it glows in my tank. One of the hardiest corals I have.
I should also mention that today was a sad day for me and my tank. I lost my Lineatus wrasse. He ended up on top of my ATI light. I'm not sure how I can prevent this from happening again but I'm trying to figure it out. I have a canopy and the back side is lined with egg crate. He was one of my favorites and I feel terrible that I let this happen.
Sorry about the fish. :(

That Lokani is stunning, absolutely stunning. I think I would be happy with a few stags in the back and all Lokani everywhere else. :)

I'm glad you told us the Pearlberry was still brown, I was thinking of getting one but not now. :lolspin:
Nice looking acros you have, efflo is a beauty. Sorry about the wrasse :sad2:
Thanks, that efflo took a long time to color up. Really pleased with it.

Sorry about the fish. :(

That Lokani is stunning, absolutely stunning. I think I would be happy with a few stags in the back and all Lokani everywhere else. :)

I'm glad you told us the Pearlberry was still brown, I was thinking of getting one but not now. :lolspin:
Much appreciated, thank you. I think I'd be happy with a tank full of lokani as well. They're up there with my favorite acros. I don't know why I only have the one. And I have no idea why my Pearlberry is still crap. I've moved it to different spots trying to make it happy, but for some reason I just can't get it.
when this gonna get TOTM???
sucks about the fish jumping.

+1 Love everything about this tank. Especially the aquascaping
Thanks so much! That is an enormous compliment guys, but I feel the tank is still young and has a long long way to go.
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I can't believe I'm typing this right now, but I just lost my Rhomboid Wrasse. My new wet sides for my mp40s came in today and while I was installing them, it jumped and I didn't notice. I literally must have had my hands in the tank while it happened. The canopy was open for probably 10 minutes. I haven't lost a fish to jumping in this tank or my last one and now I lost two of my favorites in three days. So bummed.
Nooooooooooooooooooo :( It is devastating losing fish, especially to jumping! I'm really sorry to hear that mate :(
Wow so sorry for your losses, two beautiful wrasses. :sad2: A nice male lineatus is definitely on my to buy list, I would be so devastated about that one in particular.

Great looking FTS and acros.
Nooooooooooooooooooo :( It is devastating losing fish, especially to jumping! I'm really sorry to hear that mate :(

Oh that sucks:( I think a spotter may be in order when working withe the top open.

man thats just crap, sorry bro

Wow so sorry for your losses, two beautiful wrasses. :sad2: A nice male lineatus is definitely on my to buy list, I would be so devastated about that one in particular.

Great looking FTS and acros.

I appreciate the kind words, and thank you for the compliment joshky.

I got a message from my LFS today saying I had a "large" credit with them. I was surprised to say the least because I hadn't brought them any frags or fish lately. I guess my wonderful fiancé, who was feeling bad for me about the fish losses as well as the loss of my families dog this week decided to surprise me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet but I'm excited
Short vid of the tank from tonight
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Nice! That big crazy blue tort/stag in the middle looks great with the red dragon behind it.
Tanks looks awesome!