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You will find it hard to find a tank with more awesome fish selection than this. Great choices! Great tank!
That is a very nice compliment, thank you Michael
You will find it hard to find a tank with more awesome fish selection than this. Great choices! Great tank!
That is a very nice compliment, thank you Michael
The regal angel would have to be my favorite fish. I couldn't imagine my reef without one. In my limited experience over the years with the regals I've owned I've found that they tend to leave my SPS alone. I've actually never seen one nip one of my acros. LPS on the other hand would be an expensive snack so I keep the few LPS corals I have in a small connected tank.No problem. I would really love a regal angel in my reef... Just scared for my corals :uhoh3:
My regals are from the red sea Gavin.Is the angel red sea or indo?
Thanks so much Scotty!Tanks looking awesome Conor!! Corals are thriving in the new system mate! :thumbsup:
So far, all of my angels are well behaved. I wouldn't trust them with certain LPS corals though. I know they are a considered a risk and can turn on corals at any time, but I know removing them from my tank is not difficult so I usually take the risk.thanks for the reply,a bit back,regarding the food you feed conor:beer:
Wow that last pic is so awesome!Love everything in there!
Blue angel is a fish i was close to ordering at least 5 times but in the end,always hesitated because of the things i read-nipping-
How is he doing in your tank conor?
I don't know if I've mentioned my nutrient numbers yet in this thread. I rarely test because my phosphates and nitrates are always undetectable. I've probably only tested them twice since the tank has been set up. To keep my nutrients in check, I skim wet, change 30-40 gallons a week, harvest macros in my frag tank weekly, and grow chaeto and mangroves in my sump. I also use 1 cup of carbon in a bag in my sump. I don't have any algae in my display, but that might be due to my tangs and angels. My frag tank doesn't have any nuisance algae either and I have to clean my glass every 3 days or so.Conor, went back a few pages to look for this info but didn't find it.. Sorry for being a lazy arse, but with that crazy fish load, what are your nutrient numbers?
And what are you using to manage them?
Also, how are you liking the AI Primes on your new sump set up?
I have some as supplemental lighting and I just love how sexy they are and how easy they are to set up and control..
Wow... I'm astonished that you have 0 (ish) nutrients!
All those big fish..
So, all natural nutrient reduction. Nice job!
Who are you trying to catch and why?
That is one beautiful linneatus male. How long have you had him and do you keep him with a female to keep these colors? I am thinking of adding a pair, but if males won't loose color without a female I may just go with the male.
Thank you Greg!Great looking stuff going on here Conor.
Thanks Andrew, Honestly the original plan was to not have many fish but that obviously didn't work out too well. I found a new home recently for my desjardini tang. It's amazing how much he ate because I've had to cut way back on the amount of food I pour in there since he's been removed.Reef is looking beautiful Conor, the colorful fish just top the whole thing off mate :thumbsup:
I hate that ' hmmm, something's not quite right but i'm stuffed if i know what it is ' feeling......... in my case it usually turns out to be right and something is drifting where it shouldn't be :reading:
Much appreciated! I certainly put a lot of thought into my fish and coral selection, I'm glad you like it.Fantastic! I love how diverse the fish and corals are!