cFloor's 190g

Awesome video cfloor:beer:
Tank looks amazing!
What's your fish list now?

Yeah,keeping hands out of the tank is something i can't do easily either:)
Especially in the winter:p
Makes you feel like it's summer:p
Are you sure about the finer sand?Are you talking sugar size or something else?

Thanks! Well, I started removing the coarse sand in the tank and I'm replacing it with a mixture of two finer sands that I like, not sugar size so I think it will stay put with all the flow. I think it will be better for my leopard wrasse and some of my other sand dwelling critters.

O.k., my current fish list:
2 bimac anthias, (1 male, 1 female)
3 dispar anthias, (1 male, 2 female)

1 Mimic lemon peel tang
1 white tail bristletooth tang

1 eightline flasher wrasse
2 Solomon Islands filamented flashers, (1 male, 1 female)
1 Katherine's fairy wrasse, (male)
2 Rhomboid fairy wrasse, (1 male, 1 female)
1 cf. lanceolatus fairy wrasse, (male)
1 lunate fairy wrasse, (male)
1 tanaka pygmy wrasse
1 blue star leopard wrasse, (female)

2 Genicanthus semifasciatus, (female)
2 Genicanthus caudovittatus, (1 male, 1 female)
1 Regal angel
1 Majestic angel
1 golden angel
1 blueline angel (juvenile)

1 copperband butterfly

1 midas blenny

2 mocha??? clowns

I also have 1 Lineatus fairy wrasse still in QT and 2 clowns in my frag tank.
:inlove: Corals and colours look amazing! That is quite the collection of fish, love the Regal and the CBB :thumbsup:
Thank you, I always feel that my corals can look better but I'm very pleased with the health of all of my fish.
I like the sounds of this! And glad to hear you jump-proofed the tank up too :)

Any particular reasoning or just pure aesthetics? :)
I was so bummed when I had those two jumpers"¦ never again!
I decided to switch the sand because I felt like a finer sand would look better, and be better for some of my inhabitants. I'm not good with vacuuming my sand, mainly because it's so hard to reach in my tank so I rely on my critters to keep it clean. The coarse stuff I had in there was growing coraline and looked like crap.
Awesome! Loved the video. Cant believe how large some of those colonies are. Thats awesome work. :beer:
Thanks bud, I appreciate it. A lot of these corals have been with me for a while and have survived all of my mistakes. I feel like I can get better colors out of them, but I am pleased with the growth in this tank. I have to up my 2 part dosing every other week it seems.
I got a new GoPro recently, and I finally got the chance to play around with it a little. The pic of my regal was taken from outside the tank and the pic of my Red Dragon or whatever it is was taken from underwater. This should be a fun toy. Off subject, but I took it out in the ocean recently and it was really fun!

The wide angle distortion of the GP adds a cool dimension to those shots, love the one on the regal with the blue tort behind it :)
Spectacular. Has your regal been a good citizen. Do you get polyp extension during the day
Thanks so much. The only angel I have that does some nipping is my golden. He has picked about 5 different acros that he likes and those now have less PE during the day. He doesn't do any damage, just aggravates them. And of course, that's the one fish in my tank that I couldn't easily catch.
Great pics my friend:thumbsup:
Appreciate it buddy!
Cool shots! Now, it's time for an underwater vid! :)
Focus might be tough..
I definitely want to do that. I'm still learning this GoPro, but hopefully I can put something together soon.
The wide angle distortion of the GP adds a cool dimension to those shots, love the one on the regal with the blue tort behind it :)
Thanks! Yeah, I thought that wide angle looked kinda cool too. It's gonna be fun figuring this camera out.
Look at that extra small mini angel make that sps look so big lol
Haha! My tiny fish make my corals look bigger, lol. Camera tricks my friend.

Holy cow... what a big colony.

I think I have a frag like yours. Hope it grow fast to your size ...
It make great color combination when sitting next to a blue pigment base ice fire.

Holy cow... what a big colony.

I think I have a frag like yours. Hope it grow fast to your size ...
It make great color combination when sitting next to a blue pigment base ice fire.

That really does look like mine. I bought mine as a small cheap frag. I don't think it's a true red dragon, but it's very similar.
Very nice ya i like the pics and video on gopro specially the 4k.
Thanks, I got the Hero 4 Black. What is 4k? I'm still very unfamiliar with this camera.
Wow, great colours. Would love to see a video take underwater with that GoPro. :)
Thanks sahin! I'll definitely be taking some underwater video soon. I tried taking one outside the tank and it turned out very very blue. It was really weird, looked terrible. So I've definitely got a lot to figure out.
I was so bummed when I had those two jumpers"¦ never again!
I decided to switch the sand because I felt like a finer sand would look better, and be better for some of my inhabitants. I'm not good with vacuuming my sand, mainly because it's so hard to reach in my tank so I rely on my critters to keep it clean. The coarse stuff I had in there was growing coraline and looked like crap.
I know the feeling mate, it's not pleasant is it.
Fair enough, I'm sure your sand dwelling critters and fish will definitely thank you for it :) I know the finer stuff does look much better it's just a pity it blows around so easily :headwally:

I got a new GoPro recently, and I finally got the chance to play around with it a little. The pic of my regal was taken from outside the tank and the pic of my Red Dragon or whatever it is was taken from underwater. This should be a fun toy. Off subject, but I took it out in the ocean recently and it was really fun!
What a stunner! :D I love regals!
I know the feeling mate, it's not pleasant is it.
Fair enough, I'm sure your sand dwelling critters and fish will definitely thank you for it :) I know the finer stuff does look much better it's just a pity it blows around so easily :headwally:

What a stunner! :D I love regals!

Thanks buddy, I've removed my coarse sand now, most of it anyway. The finer stuff that I've added so far isn't moving around too much so I'm optimistic. I just really want white sand"¦something I've never achieved in any of my tanks. My sand always looks ugly.

I love regals too. They've gotta be in my top 5 favorite fish in the ocean and absolutely my favorite affordable fish. He's a model citizen with all my sps too, which is an added bonus.
It shoots higher than 1080p it should be in the settings but you need a
4k tv or computer to really appreciate the quality of the 4k video its really nice.
Nice pics with the GoPro, Red Dragonish looks fantastic, I can't wait for mine to get that big. Such a good looking tank, we need some underwater video. :D
It shoots higher than 1080p it should be in the settings but you need a
4k tv or computer to really appreciate the quality of the 4k video its really nice.
I see, thanks for the info cugly. I still don't know what settings I should be using to take pics either inside or outside the tank. Most of them are turning out very blue and one in lets say 10 will look o.k. like the one I posted.
Nice pics with the GoPro, Red Dragonish looks fantastic, I can't wait for mine to get that big. Such a good looking tank, we need some underwater video. :D
Thanks! That coral is actually one of my faster growers. I've moved it around quite a bit from my last tank to this one, so I have slowed it's growth. Its colors change a lot too depending on where it's placed.
Thanks buddy, I've removed my coarse sand now, most of it anyway. The finer stuff that I've added so far isn't moving around too much so I'm optimistic. I just really want white sand"¦something I've never achieved in any of my tanks. My sand always looks ugly.

I love regals too. They've gotta be in my top 5 favorite fish in the ocean and absolutely my favorite affordable fish. He's a model citizen with all my sps too, which is an added bonus.

Your collection of angels has me super jealous:p I'm very interested in getting a Regal angel for the SPS tank. It seems that it would be an ideal tank inhabitant, the only thing I am concerned about is that there is a powder blue tang in there already. What do you think?
Your collection of angels has me super jealous:p I'm very interested in getting a Regal angel for the SPS tank. It seems that it would be an ideal tank inhabitant, the only thing I am concerned about is that there is a powder blue tang in there already. What do you think?

Thank you Matt. I've always felt Regals are a good choice for SPS tanks. I've had a few and have never seen one nip. That being said, they are definitely more prone to nip at LPS and there's always a chance you'll get one that samples you SPS"¦it is a risk in my opinion. As s far as it getting along with your powder blue, that's a tough call. If you do it, I'd absolutely use an acclimation box to gauge any aggression from the PB. I ended up having to get rid of mine as he became the most aggressive fish I've ever owned. Regals are stunning and if you decide to go for it, I'd recommend one from the Red Sea as they seem to adapt a little easier and I personally like the look of them more.