I think I owe you guys an update.
I've decided to live with the bow. I'm going to keep the 225 and hope it doesn't get worse. Several reasons for this decision. The main reason being the fact that the canopy would look WAY too big on a 180. Several RC members helped me come to this conclusion. I thought about buying a new starphire glass tank with the same dimensions but quickly ditched the idea when I realized how much it would cost. I've spent a lot of time, money and energy getting this tank set up. It would be a shame to take it down so soon.
In all reality, the bow isn't that bad. You don't really notice it unless you look closely. I will say this though, I'm already over acrylic.
I was able to swap out the Barracuda return pump for a Super Dart. At first I was unable to loosen the unions, I just couldn't get a grip. I was afraid I was going to have to drain the tank and relocate the return pump. There's 12" between the tank and the wall. I could get back there but I couldn't get any leverage on the unions. I put some rubber gloves on which gave me the grip I needed. After that it was a snap.
Luckily I plumbed the sump with a 2" bulkhead and a 2" single union ball valve. I originally planned on running 1 1/2" to match the input size of the Barracuda. I was very glad that I had the forethought to use 2". I did this so I could use one of my Darts as a back up in case the Barracuda broke down. I'm EXTREMELY happy with this move. There's still PLENTY of flow and the tank is almost silent now.
The Barracuda was way over powered as a return pump. Even with the lower flow impeller, it was just way more than I needed. Having extra flow wasn't really the problem though. It was noise. It wasn't necessarily loud so to speak, it was the pitch that really bugged me. It had a higher tone than the Darts, which run at a barely noticeable low hum. I gave it a day to work itself in, it got a little quieter but not enough. I think it would've been fine if it'd been inside my stand. But it was out in the open behind my tank. merely 10' from my desk.
I also had a noise problem with my gravity fed Deltec. The output pipe was making a gurgling noise. I asked for advice on the Deltec forum. Found out I was running too much flow through the skimmer. Turned it down, problem solved.
My overflow was making a lot of noise as well. I found out I didn't need the CJ standpipe. The submerged 1 1/2" standpipe can handle 100% of the flow. I swapped the CJ standpipe with a longer 2" stand pipe. This way I can fine tune the level in the overflow so the water just trickles down. The 2" pipe is set just under the overflow teeth, and just above the water line in the overflow. The 2" standpipe will be used as an emergency back up in case the 1 1/2" standpipe gets clogged, which is bound to happen.
I'm happy to report that the 225 is running quietly and efficiently. Next step, add rock.
So now I'm left looking on to my next project, the 180. You may remember that the 180 is acrylic. You may also recall that I recently stated that I'm over acrylic. Well it just so happens that I know of a really nice euro braced glass tank for sale lol.
I've decided to buy the glass 180. It's a polished glass, eurobraced Lee Mar. I'm going to try to sell the acrylic 180. I'll be spending a bit more but I feel it's very much worth it.
After going through my 225 build, I've decided to keep it simple on this one. I'm not going to have a canopy on this tank. I plan on running a tank mounted, all in one light fixture. Not sure if I'm going to run 250 watt halides or T5's. I've got plenty of time to research and decide.
I'm not going to run a closed loop. Instead I plan to go with the inexpensve Koralias at first, then Vortechs and/or Tunzes when I'm ready to upgrade.
I'm not going to gravity feed the G4 skimmer. I've found that the complicated way in which I set up my gravity fed Deltec was entirely necessary. I don't want to mess with it again. You really need to be able to fine tune everything to get it just right. I'll probably mesh mod the G4 eventually.
I'm going to ditch the sea swirls and run the returns through the overflow instead. The sea swirls are too big and ugly to have sitting on top of a tank with no canopy to hide them.
The original plan was to do fish only. I'm going to set it up in way that will allow me to upgrade to an SPS reef if I ever so choose. The plan at this point is to make it a softy reef.
So I'll have an SPS reef in my office, and a softy reef in reception.
Good to go.