Cheap mangroves available on eBay

I got mine from the same place and put them directly into my tank. I placed under PC's and they grew great, then I setup my refug and the mangroves all started to slow down in growth and slowly die off as my macro took off...
That's interesting I guess the macro just uptake nutrients faster. What kind of lighting do you have in the refugium? Originally I bout them as a nutrient filter - then I read that you need a lot of them for that purpose. Now I just figure anything will help & my magnesium levels won't drop much with 3 in the tank.
Macros "take up" nutrients at a far faster rate the the mangroves. In the time it takes for a mangrove shoot to add 2 leaves in my salt system, I have removed 1+ quart of macro.

The mangroves I have mixed in with macros do much better when the mangroves are planted in a good substrate.

Mangroves seem to be decorative, but I do like them :)
Im concidering collecting mangrove "pens" and selling em here from Florida. Im not looking to get rich, just basically get paid for the time and effort it would take to get em and ship em out. Anyone interested drop me a PM.
Here are a few questions I need to consider:
1. How much- like dollar a piece / 12 for 10 dollar?
2. How to ship em - Im in FLorida, so shipping should be better then Hawaii, cheaper and faster.
3. How to package them for shipping- wrap in plastic, pour local water into double plastic bag and seal?

Any thoughts?
I got mine shipped from the ebay guy in Hawaii - they came wrapped in wet newspaper with a zip-lock baggie aroung the newspaper. It seemed to work & probably keeps shipping costs down.
Ty for the input!
BTW- Mangrove "pens" are basically the seed pods that float...likethe picture on the top of page from Forhand2....looks like a pen IMO.
Saliki, are you planning on just collecting the seed pods and shipping them "as is"? As far as I know, the guy in Hawai'i actually stores them in FW for a bit until they get shipped out(at least this is what he told me...) which I assume gives them some time to grow a few roots and leaf shoots. I don't believe straight old pods have this as they float around in the tide. You may want to take this into consideration, as many hobbyists prefer to have some growth on their mangroves when they get them.
Thanks for the input. Im going to try and look into this ALOT more this week and weekend. I can see your point, some root growth would definitely be better then no growth at all. Would it be better to flaot them in saltwater, or fresh water? Wouldn't a more "dirty" seawater that I collected be better on the nutrients to help to get them to sprout?
Mine are great

Mine are great

I bought 10 from him about 5 months ago. They all looked fantastic, with good roots and leaves and so far all are thriving in my sump. I would recommend him highly for Mangroves ( unlesss you need something other than red's ). :)
Here is a pic of some mangrove seeds:
Mangroves in saline conditions have to "filter" out the salt in the water to use it. This can slow growth down quite a bit, hence the slow growth so often associated with them in captive marine tanks and sumps. However, in FW conditions the groves don't have to expend energy to do this--they can use the water "as is." People growing them in FW or extremely dilluted SW will notice much faster growth than those in a sump. I would recommend doing mostly FW, with maybe a slight amount of saltwater(red mangroves are found in some FW rivers and waterways, but generally keep to the esturaies and saline environments.) I would suggest using mostly FW to get some growth on them, maybe just add a bit of salt mix(or the seawater you collected them from) to keep them used to saline conditions(help prevent shock on acclimation.)
I thought that red mangroves were a protected plant in Florida.
Not sure if that just applies to rooted mangroves, but before I would go collecting them for sale I would make sure with local laws.

I have also read that in Hawaii they consider red mangroves as an invasive weed, so there would be no problem in collecting them there.

Who knows if what I read was out of date, or incorrect, but I would error on the side of caution. Being a recent recipient of a traffic ticket for an imperfect stop at a 4-way stop, the fines for these types of infractions is typically out of proportion with the actual crime committed. In other words, it would really suck to get a 200 or 500 dollar fine for collecting propagules just because the guy who caught you was having a bad day and wanted to make an example instead of just giving you a warning.

If you know the actual statue covering that in florida, I'd be curious to what it said.

Was going through the Florida statutes from the link previously
posted in this thread.
From 403.9325 which covers definitions in regards to .9321-.9333

(1) "Alter" means anything other than trimming of mangroves.

(3) "Mangrove" means any specimen of the species Laguncularia racemosa
(white mangrove), Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove), or
Avicennia germinans (black mangrove).

(8) "Trim" means to cut mangrove branches, twigs, limbs, and foliage,
but does not mean to remove, defoliate, or destroy the mangroves.

So by these definitions, collecting "propagules" or seed pods or
whatever you want to call them is technically removing mangroves.

From .9323
(3) It is the intent of the Legislature to provide waterfront property
owners their riparian right of view, and other rights of riparian property
ownership as recognized by s. 253.141 and any other provision of law, by
allowing mangrove trimming in riparian mangrove fringes without prior
government approval when the trimming activities will not result in the
removal, defoliation, or destruction of the mangroves.

403.9328 Alteration and trimming of mangroves; permit requirement.--

(1) A person may not alter or trim, or cause to be altered or trimmed, any
mangrove within the landward extent of wetlands and other surface waters,
as defined in chapter 62-340.200(19), Florida Administrative Code, using
the methodology in s. 373.4211 and chapter 62-340, Florida Administrative
Code, when the trimming does not meet the criteria in s. 403.9326 or s.
403.9327 except under a permit issued under this section by the department
or a delegated local government or as otherwise provided by ss. 403.9321-403.9333.
Any violation of ss. 403.9321-403.9333 is presumed to have occurred with
the knowledge and consent of any owner, trustee, or other person who
directly or indirectly has charge, control, or management, either exclusively
or with others, of the property upon which the violation occurs. However, this
presumption may be rebutted by competent, substantial evidence that the
violation was not authorized by the owner, trustee, or other person.

Also, under a section covering fines:

(b) Up to $250 for each mangrove illegally altered.

Now I don't know if they can cite you for collecting seeds or propagules, but
the statutes stating that altering is doing anything besides trimming, which
includes removal of any specimen of the listed mangrove species, I would
be careful about collecting them.

Also, like most normal people, reading the legal jargon in the statutes
and understanding them clearly is not something I admit I can do.
I may misunderstand them, and may have missed some of the things that
they said in other places, but I would probably check with local wildlife
ranger stations etc in the areas you are going to collect. The statutes
seem to delegate some authority to regional government, and laws in some
sections may be different.

If you get an official response from local government or dept of fish
and wildlife or whatever, I'd be interested in hearing the response.
I'd be curious to know if I take a trip to Florida and pick some of these up
if I am going to get hit for a fine that I'd rather not pay :) If it
comes down to risking a fine or paying some guy in hawaii a few bucks to
pick up some of their local weeds and mail them to me... I'd go with
getting them mailed to me.
