Check this out guys/gals.

Wow!! I finally know what "fake" decor my LFS sold me - the Haition Black Sea Fan. I really hope they didn't get it from people like this and either it really was fake or had died first :(
this is not about the phillipines being lawless and not caring for its resource. its about selfish, unrighteous, ignorant american that thinks there doing Phillipines a favor bur in reality wouldn't give a two $#!TS about it. Americans done it before. (this is not towards all Americans)

I understand the dynamite, moro ami, is wrong, but fishing is one of their biggest rescourse, local fisher man in a whole days worth, will only get about 4 dollars, (I've seen this) thats how much you guys pay for your cup of coffee in the morning. and thats only in the good days mind you. I'm sure it goes for other neighboring country

I bieng to negative but in reality if I have a choice of taking a huge plate size coral or a clam everyday and just kill them, just to feed my family I would. and let the future generation deal with our mistake.

you guys should have been their when we saw 2 10 years old were arrow fishing in a the windy + rainy weather.

I understand the desire to defend one's culture/family/place of heritage etc.

But look at what you just said:

People in the Philippines are willing to destroy their reefs in return for a pittance. It's like rolling over, rejecting your morals, and selling out. What will the future generation (their own children) do for money?

I would rather grow/scavenge food for my family than participate in an ecological holocaust/mass murder...

EDIT: Just realized this post is over a year old lol
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I also note the thread is 1 year old, but did want to add some thoughts to bleedfires post

the naming of a country, in a country that this web site is based and most of its members are from, was probably misguided and not completely correct

I will say in general that those of us from the West are to a degree responsible for this and other things like this

I do not know, but I do not believe that those corals are being taken to sit on the cabinents, coffee tables, hi fi systems or TV sets of the divers who collect them or in general for the people who live in the same area as the divers who collect them
I imagine that most of the people involved in collecting do not have those stated items of furniture to put the decorations on

demand for curios like that come from elsewhere

I was born and raised in the West , with all the advantages that gives me, and as such have a set of moral values , which allows me to be critical of those that do not share them

I have kept aquariums for 30 years now, my 1st salt water tank had coral skeletons as tank decor
I have since spent about 9 years keeping corals, thus would never again purchase and empty shell or a dead coral skeleton for decoration

if I had not had the above experience, then just as bleedfire mentions, I know for a fact that if I lived in a community on the coast, had no possibility of a 9 - 5 office job on a decent salary in an air conditioned office, and some bloke in Polo T shirt and Rebok trainers offered me 10 cents American for every coral I could drag out of the sea

I appreciate coral
I appreciate the need to support myself and my family more

I would be diving

The Chinese have a saying
You do not fully understand a man until you have walked a kilometre in his Niiikke Trainers

thankfully I have never had to walk that walk
but given little option, little choice, then I could walk that walk