Check this out guys/gals.

Rysher, your post really helped me... let me make sure I've got this.
So Shell Horizons is basically taking advantage of a countries resources (legally) because the country itself is lawless... essentially their is a restriction in place about the exporting of hard coral but they do not follow it. Am I reading this correctly?

Basically this is another loophole that we need to close but have no control over? sighs. this sucks!

On the other side of the spectrum I wish that all the people that claimed aqua-culture and mari-culture were doing so with the hopes of returning our grown out fragged corals back to the wild. How can we ever expect to return corals that we grow to the wild if the "wild" thats left out there to return them to is all dead and gone? Wow that was a mouth full. Sorry if that didnt make sense. I see the frag industry as being somewhat of a joke because of all the "exclusive" and "rares" selling for rediculous prices. Then I hear things like "they have good reasons and that its all in the name of conservation because killing an aquacultured coral is better than killing a wild collected one". REALLY??? It just makes me wonder... is fragging about cultivating and growing out corals so we don't have to take from the wild, and can put them back one day? OR is it more about selling more and more corals without a care in the world as long as their making money?

I'd like to see more conservation on the part of the companies selling frags (like efforts to put them back into the ocean) instead of them just selling them. Im all down for harvesting less from the reefs but how are these rare exclusives coming into their hands anyway?

Nice post. I agree with you 100%. The only issue I see at the current moment of placing corals back into the ocean is right now there are corals there and I think the environment and other human practices are the problem. For instance dragging nets, people in the Philippines removing corals, using dynamite around reefs to fish, contaminated run off water, mountains of plastic entering the ocean, harvesting of corals and fish that are impossible to care for, farm raised fish pollution and so on and so on. I think if we corrected these issues we would have no need to return any corals back to the ocean and you would not have to feel bad about it.
All very good points my friend. I wish as one person or just a few that we had the power to change these things. Unfortunately we do not. But you better believe I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna keep doing my part and hoping that with education eventually small changes in the right direction will come. Others feel free to chime in.
mallorieggator and myself have already volunteered to drive down there and picket. But nobody else, including the Tampa section of this forum, seems to be willing.
Please do not get sea shepherd or PETA involved in this.

^^^this. Might as well smear honey on your rear end and sit on a fire ant mound. These are the same types of people that are pouring bleach and dropping copper washers into LFS tanks.

The real solution is to kill a few rednecks with Myrtle Beach homes that they're furnishing... ;)

Sounds like there's a job waiting for you on the sea shepherd.
I lived in Fiji for may years. The local people collect the clams to eat - they will eat all the clam. When I first went there in 1974 there were masses of clams at our favorite uninhabited island. The last time I dove there was ten years ago an it was dificut to find one clam. We were anchored on an extensive reef ( Duff) when a Korean fishing b oat came in. they proceded to dive and collect every claim - which was illegal. We radioed the navy but they could do nothing as their boats did not have any fuel. The boat was gone the next morning. You have to understand the distances involved. Thnese reefs are in the middle of nowhere and the fishing boats do as they please. I have come to anchor in a small reef in the solamons and found all the claims (very large) had all flesh taken.It was not long ago as the inside of the shells were still white. These small island countries arround the world have masive reef areas with no resources to patrol them. Australia has been donating patrol boats buit still to few to cover all the reefs. The amount of clams used by the aquarim trade is just a drop in the bucket comared to the ones raped off the reefs every day.
^^didnt know mushrooms where a hard coral.. looks a bit like a plate to me. hmm...
That's the problem with common names- they aren't common to everyone.

Hobbyists are actually the weirdos here since we're about the only ones who don't call fungiids mushroom corals. You'll find them labelled as such in scientific papers, dive guides, and curio shops. Corallimorphs (what we call mushrooms) are mushroom anemones or just corallimorphs to everyone else.
this is not about the phillipines being lawless and not caring for its resource. its about selfish, unrighteous, ignorant american that thinks there doing Phillipines a favor bur in reality wouldn't give a two $#!TS about it. Americans done it before. (this is not towards all Americans)

I understand the dynamite, moro ami, is wrong, but fishing is one of their biggest rescourse, local fisher man in a whole days worth, will only get about 4 dollars, (I've seen this) thats how much you guys pay for your cup of coffee in the morning. and thats only in the good days mind you. I'm sure it goes for other neighboring country

I bieng to negative but in reality if I have a choice of taking a huge plate size coral or a clam everyday and just kill them, just to feed my family I would. and let the future generation deal with our mistake.

you guys should have been their when we saw 2 10 years old were arrow fishing in a the windy + rainy weather.
this is not about the phillipines being lawless and not caring for its resource. its about selfish, unrighteous, ignorant american that thinks there doing Phillipines a favor bur in reality wouldn't give a two $#!TS about it. Americans done it before. (this is not towards all Americans)

I understand the dynamite, moro ami, is wrong, but fishing is one of their biggest rescourse, local fisher man in a whole days worth, will only get about 4 dollars, (I've seen this) thats how much you guys pay for your cup of coffee in the morning. and thats only in the good days mind you. I'm sure it goes for other neighboring country

I bieng to negative but in reality if I have a choice of taking a huge plate size coral or a clam everyday and just kill them, just to feed my family I would. and let the future generation deal with our mistake.

you guys should have been their when we saw 2 10 years old were arrow fishing in a the windy + rainy weather.

I agree with you and that was my point to them. For a clam shell they are selling for $800.00 I would guess the Islanders would get about $2-3 and when the shells and clams are gone so are the wonderful American company that treats the Islanders like family. By the way they would not tell me how much the Islanders would get for the $800.00 clam shell, I asked.
haha i should pose as an agent for the US fish and game agency. i'm gonna scare the bajeezus out of them!
Sent them an email

"Maybe your web page should mention how you slowly suffocate and dry these beautiful animals on beaches around the world. And I don't think you can say you only sell dead coral heads and then show a picture of live coral heads drying on the beach... People like you make me sick. If you were honest with the people who buy from you about how you get these things, NO ONE WOULD BUY THEM!!!

Best of luck destroying our oceans, I'm sure someone will shut you down soon enough.... "

message back

"Did someone **** in your cheerios this morning?????????????????????? "

Lol you got to hand it to them, they take criticism well... LOL

No way! Haha, at least they don't make up lame excuses about how good and righteous their practice is.
Sickening, I did that kind of stupid crap as a kid growing up in Hawaii and I regret it. Albeit not to that extent but shouldn't we grow out of destructive behavior when we learn the consequences. Thanks for sharing, I will definitely pass this along.
now theyre website says no corals from the philipines.... yeah right....

I also noticed it says the corals were taken to allow for a shipping channel. Is that what it said before or did they change that too? Also why don't they put the actual location if it wasn't the Philippines.
Nice post. I agree with you 100%. The only issue I see at the current moment of placing corals back into the ocean is right now there are corals there and I think the environment and other human practices are the problem. For instance dragging nets, people in the Philippines removing corals, using dynamite around reefs to fish, contaminated run off water, mountains of plastic entering the ocean, harvesting of corals and fish that are impossible to care for, farm raised fish pollution and so on and so on. I think if we corrected these issues we would have no need to return any corals back to the ocean and you would not have to feel bad about it.
LOL, you guys worry too much about's where they get your corals.
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