Chemi-Clean, any precautions I should take?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6968155#post6968155 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by roons
it was gone overnight but by the end of the month it was back but less and less every month, it took 3 months to fully eradicate it is what i was saying...........

Ahh i see now. I haven't seen a spot of it in my tank since i dosed. That was almost 5 months ago now. Maybe you under-dosed? Have you seen any since?

TWallace I would just treat the whole system if it were me.
i had it pretty bad, turned the water brown, like i said it got rid of it, no none since, but i was just battling diatoms or hoping thats the last battle i have to fight
I hear ya. Tough stuff to get rid of. Luckily for us there is something as great as Chemi clean to help us out!!!
I didn't follow the directions. My LFS said they've used it in the past and they have very impressive display tanks w/ everything in them. They told me to turn off the skimmer and dose the amount on the bottle for 3 consecutive days instead of one day and then wait. I dosed 3 days in a row, with skimmer off and no airstone and no problems. The stuff whithered away, I grabbed it out as it was dying, did a water change, skimmer back on that was it. Had a very mild case of it come back one more time since, did the same procedure. Haven't seen it again.
alot has gone away, I added a few more scoops because I forgot to compensate for my skimmer, I will do a 25% water change tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions,
-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF