Chemi Clean Works!


New member
I was battling a Cyanobacteria for a few weeks and I tried almost everything to get rid of it. and I would get it down but then it would spread back over time. It all started when I went out of town and my main power head somehow shut off ( never did it before or after.. kind of wierd) Anyways I came back and all of my CC was full of it. It was getting thicker and thicker and I tired all of the "natural ways to get it down" These all worked momentarily but never really made it disappear.

This is when I decided to get a little extra help from the product CHEMI CLEAN. I followed the directions as stated and after 48 hours It was about 99.9 percent gone. The other.1% took about another day.

This product really works and If anyone has a problem they can not handle I suggest using this. I recommend trying to natural ways first but if they dont cure the problem use this product.

I have fish, Corals, Anemones, and none of these were effected by this. They only thing that was effected was my protein skimmer for about 24 hours. It would fill up with almost clear water every 5 min. So just make sure after the 24 hours of dosing when you turn it back on to check the skimmer quite often so you have no leaks. After the waterchange the following 24 hours (total of 48 hours) My skimmer settled down a bit, then a few more hours it was back to normal.

Good luck fighting CYANO and dont knock this product its AMAZING!:beer:
Glad you found something that you say works for you.

The question is, how does one trust advice from someone whose tagline is "I am a compulsive liar"? ;)
I'm debating using this product... My cyano is so bad that it's choking my sps and creating die-off. 3 days dark got rid of SOME but it's still heavy, flow isn't working, parameters are good and I feed once a day pellets or half cube of mysis.
My concern is that although corals and inverts seem ok Does anyone know if my copepod population will be affected? I FINALLY felt comfortable that a mandarin would have a sufficient diet in my tank!
I agree, this product also worked GREAT for me! My only complaint is that it took a week for my skimmer to get back to normal but everything is running and looking awesome now
I too have had good results using Clemi Clean 5 months after restarting my 92 corner. It cleared it up within a few days and hasn't come back since.
It usually works pretty good but you need to find the source of the cyano and solve it or usually it will come back.
It usually works pretty good but you need to find the source of the cyano and solve it or usually it will come back.

This +1. Chemi clean is an antibacterial agent. It is NOT a wonder cure for cyano, and regardless of the name, is NOT a "cleaner". It kills the cyano, releasing the dead bacteria into the water. It actually initially worsens the condition that lead to the cyano outbrak to begin with. Water changes and effecive skimming are mandatory after treatment. After that, long term maintenance is indicated to keep the cyano from coming back. Otherwise, you will need to keep re-treating. And re-treating. Good for the chemic clean bussiness, no? :)
chemi clean will kill it off but you still have to fix the problem. low flow, nutrients, etc.
Be prepared for your skimmer to go nuts and overfoam for a while after treatment. Just used it on my 100 gallon a couple weeks ago. Lots of water changes help the skimmer get back to normal.
I dont believe chemiclean is an anti bacterial agent. At least not in the sense of erythomicin etc. I believe it oxidizes the nutrient source of the cyano making it unavailabe to the bacteria. The cyano is starved and the remains are flushed into the water column and ultimately removed by the skimmer and parfial water change as is advised.
I dont believe chemiclean is an anti bacterial agent. At least not in the sense of erythomicin etc. I believe it oxidizes the nutrient source of the cyano making it unavailabe to the bacteria. The cyano is starved and the remains are flushed into the water column and ultimately removed by the skimmer and parfial water change as is advised.

Nope. Contains erythromycin as the main (and only) active ingredient.
Dkeller..... you are quite mistaken. I am reading the box as I am typing. It says In caps. Does not contain. Algecides, Erythromycin succinate, or phosphates. I dont have the liquid but I believe it is a fair assumption that the powder and liquid versions are the same.
No, I'm not mistaken. You are simply the latest victim of marketing "spin control". Notice that it says it doesn't contain erythromycin succinate. There are several different forms fatty-acid esters of erythromycin available, however, and chemi-clean was tested and verified to contain one of these in Germany (it's relatively easy to test for the presence of erythromycin, not so easy to identify the fatty-acid ester portion).
I agree, this product also worked GREAT for me! My only complaint is that it took a week for my skimmer to get back to normal but everything is running and looking awesome now

I am having the same issue where my skimmer is going crazy now after day 4 & 2 water changes. I'll wait a few more days to see if it will go back to normal
Make sure you do the reccomended water change after treating the tank. I put it off not realizing that whatever was killed by CC would soon a white fog.
Dkeller..... you are quite mistaken. I am reading the box as I am typing. It says In caps. Does not contain. Algecides, Erythromycin succinate, or phosphates. I dont have the liquid but I believe it is a fair assumption that the powder and liquid versions are the same.

It says no erythromycin succinate. That's a trick. There are several other forms of erythromycin that are for all intents and purposes equal.
No, I'm not mistaken. You are simply the latest victim of marketing "spin control". Notice that it says it doesn't contain erythromycin succinate. There are several different forms fatty-acid esters of erythromycin available, however, and chemi-clean was tested and verified to contain one of these in Germany (it's relatively easy to test for the presence of erythromycin, not so easy to identify the fatty-acid ester portion).

Educated use of chemi-clean is fine. If nothing else worked it's OK to use it. The problem with cyano outbreak is... well cyano. It became dominant bacteria for the system so there is very little chance that other type will take over. This is a reason why It's so important to start your fight on first sign of it while you're still have a chance. After... you practically have to use chemi-clean or restart the system. Dosing good bacteria also a great idea to help establish new dominance in the tank.
You have to follow instruction working with CC. No needs to overdose. It can start working on second or even third day be patient.
A good tip for when you are actively treating and a couple days post treatment is to place a low micron filter sock to mechanically screen all the water entering the sump during treatment. It will pick up a lot of loose cyano that would otherwise degrade to ammonia in the water column. Rinse it out 2-3 times daily, or however often as you can during and post treatment, in addition to manually siphoning as much out as you can prior to treatment.