Chillers Or Other Cooling Method

Eddie Gonzalez

New member
What is the best chiller in your opinion? This is a survey so everyone please reply with your opinion based on your experience as oposed to hear-say please. Or how did you build an economic one? I'm at 85F in a 55g FOWLR and I'd like to achieve ~78F. Switching pumps to a cooler one is not an option. I must resort to some form of cooling system.

Thanks so much to you that use this web site...I've found this web site priceless.

Hey Eddie,

Can you give us a little insight on your tank? Where you live? What the local temp is? Lighting? Pumps? Just wondering, because it is very unusual for a FOWLR tank to have heating problems unless it's due to equipment or enviromental temperature.

T4 Pump increased tempf

T4 Pump increased tempf

Thanks Mark,

2 18" flourecent bulbs 50/50
30mins north of Tampa FL
currently averaging about 65 outside and 72 inside the house
water temp is 85F

I switched to a T4 pump (for the silence) I knew that it would increase the temp. It increased it from 82F to 85F. I can't change the pump because the silence is important to me. Therefore, i must resort to some form of cooling system.

the pump is not submersible so I have a fan blowing on it. The fan is not enough, I need a chiller right?

My post is a survey to see what people have had good luck with in terms of chillers etcetera...I've also read that some people build their own some how.

I use an Aqualogic chiller. I've never had any problems with it. Alway go bigger in my experience. So try a 1/4 or 1/3 hp chiller. It will put less strain on your chiller, and require less run time to cool down your tank.

Do you have a sump? If so you might want to face the fan at the surface of the water.

Also, do you have a lid on your tank. You might want to take that off. It will help cool down your tank, and is also better to help promote gas exchange.

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85* is not the end of the world, but if you're running 85* in December, you are going to have issues when that Fla. sun starts kicking in the late spring.
I don't use a chiller, and although I'm quite a bit north of you, it gets HOT in the summer time here. My first thought is that you must have a glass cover on your tank, (like Goofball thought) is that correct? If so, remove it. Put 2 4" fans in your canopy pointing down toward the surface of the water. This should make a HUGE difference.
Your target temp. should be about 82* give or take a degree or two.
i have a coil of 1/4 tubing in my sump that is plumbed into the cold water line. i currently have a valve on it to adjust the flow manually (i set it to about 20 drops per minute for a hot day) but i just got a dual stage temp controller so i'll have a solenoid on it by the time i need it next summer. i have very cold well water.
Eddie: I live over in Land O Lakes. I feel your pain as I have a similar set up. 120 reef w/ T4 pump. I have a sump and 2 3 inch fans in my canopy which keeps the temp between 82-85. I've had this tank set up for over a year now and besides evaporation I've had no problems. What worked best for me was to leave the tank open with a canopy and fans. Don't stress the heat, as long as it stays below 85 you should be ok.
85 degrees with just the pump?

holy crap, you sure that things not busted?

I had three little giant pumps and 700 watts of lighting over a 75 and the temp stayed at 83.. (this is with no fans BTW and a room temp of 70-73)
It's not busted

It's not busted

the T4 pumps are notorious for heating up the water. It's not busted, it's just a hot titanium pump. But it is dead quiet (I love it). I hear no pump hum/noise at all...just the calming sound of the water flowing.
Slipnottin must not live in Florida if his room temp is 70 degrees. If he does his Electric bill must be sky high!


i to live in fla. across the state in cocoa.i use a dehumidifier set up as a chiller and it cools the tank down to 74 in summer.its also CHEAP about 75$ for everything.i run no fans and a 300 watt heater.its all good.....
This may not be the right place to ask this but has anyone ever tried building a heat exchanger?
My thought was a making one out of 4-3/4 pvc pipes on both sides with a series of 1/4 tubes running between them powered by a small power head and a couple 4'' fans to push air through it.

If it was built correctly it would only use about a sq ft of space.

I figure you could build it for less than $30

I know it will work but I'm not sure how well?
silent is the issue

silent is the issue

i replaced two pumps with one T4 for the purpose of removing the hum noice of the pumps. the room sounds perfect now, with only the sound of the water (what I wanted). so is the humidifier quiet or the heat exchange idea a quiet one...silence is golden
I too am looking to buy a chiller. My tank is a 75g with two Giesmann HQI Nova II 1x250 and 1x150. The return pump is a Poseidon PS4 Titanium (hot but silent). Temps are getting up into the mid eighty's with the lights on.
I'm looking at four different chiller brands:

1. Current USA Prime Tower chiller 1/4 for $559 at

2. Pacific Coast Import chillers 1/10 for $340 1/6 for $479 or 1/4 for $519 at

3. JBJ Arctica Titanium 1/10 for $499 or 1/5 for $679

4. Coralife Aqua Chill 1/10 for $349, 1/6 for $499, or 1/4 for $649

JBJ claims to be the quietest but they also claim that the 1/10 will work on a 130g tank.

Any thoughts or recommendations would really help