Chips for 6105 power supply


Premium Member
OK I just bought two new 6105's and with the unit I see that it only comes with a 12 or 18 volt chip to go into the power supply. My question is that I have two others that I've had for some time now and they have 24 volt chips in them... Is this OK or am I doing harm to the units.

I will admit that the original two I got barely used online here awhile back not new from a dealer but I could have sworn that the manual that came with them said the 24 was OK. Please tell me I'm OK If I am what's the difference because the original two are beasts and I love em...

OK just pulled out the manuals and found some interesting things....

Both power supplies have the exact same model number but;

The original ones (from the manual) came with a 15v or 24v chip drawing 22w or 45w respectively.

The new one (from the manual) came with a 12v or 18v chip drawing 18w or 28w respectively.

The funny thing is the stated flows are the same which I'm finding hard to believe.

What's the story?

I think they redesigned the prop of them, the newer style use the 18 volts and the older style props can use the 24. If you use the newer style with the 24 volts it can damage the pump.
As madmike said. The voltage sets the speed, we now use a larger prop spinning a bit slower, flow is the same but noise is reduced and so is the power consumption. However the drop in power consumption is not as drastic as the manuals lead you to believe, the older 15V/24V 6105 used 22 and 35w respectively, this was a misprint. These values are also at 115V, on the more typical 120-125V we see in the US the actual tested wattage at 18 or 24V will be 30W and 36W respectively. The higher the voltage in, the higher the voltage out from the transformer. For example at our location we typically have 122V, a 18V transformer will put out about 18.6V at this input, same for 24V which will put out about 24.8V. Swapping the jumpers will result in more noise and overtime could shorten pump life, the best course if you were to change anything would be to switch the older ones to 18V and from the 42mm prop to 45mm. All of the Stream 2 controllable pumps have gotten more efficient since initial release due to mods to the coils and new drive assemblies and more efficient power supplies. Just about every model has seen a drop of 4+ watts. In the next few months the Nano Streams will see similar drops of 1-2 watts, while our products may look outwardly the same, they are continually being improved and refined and odds are pretty good there is at least one technical change every 6 months.
OK so what I need to do then is order 2 of the new propeller assemblies and 2 18v chips and at that point all of them will be the same?

I'd really like to make sure they are that way there isn't a worry of ever hooking up the wrong power supply and trying to spin a big prop to fast or a small one not fast enough.

Thanks for the quick response, it's one of the many reasons I love these products.
went to order but the "security code" on my visa is worn off the back so I can't place it until I get a new card........ If there's a way around that shoot me a pm I'd love to have the stuff on the way.
Give me a call again and I will just take the order over the phone. We could ship Monday.
Got to love a company with support like this and the desire to constantly improve their products.

Finally got around to putting the new props in the old pumps and noticed they're not the same as the ones in the new pumps. Not sure about pitch since it's such a small difference (they do look like they may be a little bit bigger) but the new pumps came with blue props and the replacement ones I got for my older pumps still have the black props. Just wanted to make sure I got the right ones.

They should be physically the same, the blue props we make ourselves, the older black props are for RC boats. The only difference is the plastic and the new ones are just now being phased in. The blue plastic is POM, it is far more resistant to impact and abrasion. It is more flexible. The RC boat props were a carbon/fiberglass reinforced plastic that was more prone to abrasion and breaking on impact.