Christmas Party


New member
I haven't seen this in a while so here is a reminder

Saturday December 13th from 6 p.m until 8 p.m. . This is the same pizza place we went to last year that is located in Cordova...1769 North Germantown Parkway
Thanks! I was just coming on RC to post a thread asking for a head count and you beat me to it.

Please let us know if you can come and if you have any unusual Pizza preferences. Veggie lover? Anti-Veggie? Meat lover? etc ????

We're already working on mega door prizes and additional help recruiting/securing donations would be GREATLY appreciated!

Bummer! Me & The Spousal Unit can NOT make it. :sad2:

We'll miss all y'all deeply, but we'll survive.

The Company Bash is that night at the DeSoto Civic Center.

I'll have to put my Dancin' Fins on!
bump .........with a reminder to bring your current membership cards to enter the doorprize can also pay your dues at the party and a temporary card will be available for new members to use for the drawings
It looks life my wife has decided to come to the party. Total of 2 adults and 3 kids. My wife doesn't eat red meat, but they have chicken or veggie pizza right?
Need to change my total to 2. Marcus, there will be a variety of pizza and we order whatever anyone there wants, including chicken &/or veggie. Glad ya'll decided to come.