Thanks, Psyire. I just ordered a probe holder from the AO website and, in case that doesn't fit in my sump, I also ordered a couple of these Mold-a-Holders. from the Floatswitches site. I already have the float switches, I just don't have a way to secure them in my sump.
As an Aquatronica system owner, you may be interested in the device that I am connecting to the float switches: a Sensaphone unit that monitors water levels (as well as temperature, water leaks, etc) and calls up to eight numbers if the monitoring devices are triggered.
As an Aquatronica system owner, you may be interested in the device that I am connecting to the float switches: a Sensaphone unit that monitors water levels (as well as temperature, water leaks, etc) and calls up to eight numbers if the monitoring devices are triggered.