Clam in an unfavourable position - help moving it


Active member
Só 2 days ago my clam fell off the rocks high up where I put it , it landed on a mushroom colony and would have been smothered so I moved it under a cave but 2 days there it’s not come off the rock so Ive brought the clam out from the dark , it’s 180 degrees and it goes kinda loose , I guess only half its threads are attached so I could nudge it off when it’s half loose? I guess it’ll damage just half its threads ?
If it falls where it is now it’ll land on my condy nem


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Where is the foot? In the middle? Or doesn’t it use it for attaching ? I’m under the impression that I’m to avoid damaging its food but Basel threads not a problem?
Better pic attached


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Honestly, at this point, I’d just leave it. It it’s getting smothered by the mushrooms it will detatch on its own.

Here’s some old threads on the topic .

Here’s a question, I’m being told that this is a maxima and not a squamosina
Right or wrong?


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Looking at the write up ( cheers reffing101) I’d say with what I’m observing is a maxima
Crist, not what I ordered as it’s my first clam and didn’t want the hardest to keep 🙄
Better pics and agree, T. maxima and a beautiful one at that’s. You should be fine with it. Just watch your water parameters.
It’s gorgeous yeah
Params are solid , last tested Wednesday, will repea
T this Wednesday but I know my phos is 0.03 and nitrate 10
I’ll be interested to see kh to know if anything’s growing without visible signs
So clams not opening fully , it’s one of 2 things, doesn’t like 600 calcium or the lights not enough
Any thoughts please?
Got a par meter rental coming next week so can rule light out
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If the lights were not enough, I would think it would be opening more. So, maybe too much light for it?
My thoughts are the same , when it was 2-3” lower but more directly under a cluster it opened more but the clownfish would push it off
I think the par meter will give me more clues + a 20% water change next week
Opening up a bit. But, it's looking a bit bleached. I'd say keep it where it is and keep an eye on it.