Clam Opinions Wanted for a Newby


New member
Tank Parameters. (Probably more than you want to know .. but)
Ph 8.2, Ca 400 (usually), Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, dKH 11
90 gal Main tank
- 2x 150w MH 15,000K
- 1 96W PC Actinic
- 1 96W PC 50/50
- CC substrate
- approx 125 lbs of Live Rock
- tank recently moved but most water saved
- add homegrown Phyto (4oz), ESV Calcium/Alk (usually alternating days)
- add Coral-Vite and Lugol's (once a week)
- add Strotium (2X week)

30 gal refugium/sump (24x7 lighting)
- Excalibur skinner in 5 gal sump at end
- 2inches of live sand, all kinds of critters
- growing mass of caulerpa

Now... What kind of clams can I support. I read alot/browsed alot but wanted to get opinions.

TIA, Stan
For a first clam, I went with the Derasa. Hardy, fast growing and cheap. I places mine under a MH with about 8" of water over it. It puts on about 1" of shell growth per year.
Sounds like your tank might be a great home for a derasa or squamosa! :) But, a few little things come to mind. First, do you dose those suppliments like lugols and strontium (other than the phyto and 2 part) for a specific reason? Sometimes they can possibly cause more harm than good it would seem. I remember a recent clam death on here was possibly explained by a problem with Lugol's. With a 2 part or CA reactor, and regular water changes, you'll be good to go.

Second, what other fish and inverts do you have in there? Gotta make sure you don't have someone who will pick on or kill a clam.
Welome to sure is addicting! :)
Deresa or squamosa, i dont know if you have enough like for a max ima or crocea...

Good luck! :thumbsup:

You better set up a "clam budget", or you'll be living in a cardboard box soon enough


Ok lots of information but I forgot the livestock...

Sea anemone type unknown - sun clownfish
yellow tang
peppermint shrimp
red-legged hermits (maybe down to just a few)
astrae snails
blue damsel, java damsel, stripped damsel, domino damsel
some sort of dottyback (can't remember name)
sand sifting starfish (reason why I don't have DSB in top tank)
sea cucumbers

galaxae, hammer, frogspawn, yellow polyp, mushrooms out the wazoo, xenia, short-tentacle plate, green star polyp

Oyster of some sort

I dose with lugols because of the "softies." The trace elements are added because I figure that partial water changes do not raise the trace elements back to normal levels. I figure a law of exponental progression (regression) is at play. Change 10% then only add 10% back but over a period of time the trace elements still reduce. (maybe thinking is wrong, please correct/confirm)

Gee, I was hoping for a crocea. I can add one more 96W PC bulb easily. Would this make a difference?
Croceas are MUCH more light hungry than squams/derasas. The general experience seems to be that they also aren't as good for beginners as Squams/Derasas. With your size tank, slap a 250 or 400 MH over it and there will be a great spot for one right under the light! :)
Croceas are MUCH more light hungry than squams/derasas. The general experience seems to be that they also aren't as good for beginners as Squams/Derasas. With your size tank, slap a 250 or 400 MH over it and there will be a great spot for one right under the light! :)
OK, now its time for me to show my "newbyness"... can I "focus" the light from my 2 175 watt MH to get the wattage up?