Clam placement -- rock or sand?

This is a strange question, but I bet half of us out there don't know the answer.

How do clams move? Do they just let go of the rocks? But how do they jump off the reef? Do they let go then the current takes them?

I have seen scallops scooting around by squirting water. But clams?

Help? Inquiring minds want to know.
I have a 5" crocea that will jump to the bottom of my tank and take the piece of rock he is attached on with him.

Strange little guy....

Yeah all this jumping isn't making sense to me. I'm guessing they can create some sort of movement (shutting the valves) to move themselves a little and then just fall, not jump. They'd be too heavy to be carried by any sort of current, I think. Anyone want to clue in the newbies?

Also, I am planning on getting a squamosa at some point, and I plan on making it a focal point in the tank. My lights aren't perfectly centered, theyre more towards the front (weird canopy), so I'm thinking I will be able to tilt him forward a bit. This should keep him happy and allow for better viewing. Let me know if you think he'll 'jump'.

Thanks in advance!


The other strange thing with lights is that they are intensified in some areas of the tank by the reflection on the glass. My bottom corners are as bright as the middle of my tank. (Done by a light meter)